
My best friend is an hour late?

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k so im going back to school tomorrow and my best friend is coming over to hang out before i leave. she was coming from work. she got off at 6:30 and it is now 4 mins past 8. she keeps texting me saying shes on her way. she does not work that far from my house. like 20mins in traffic. shes always late when she comes over. im so sick of it. she is never on time unless it is for work or school. but as far as friends go she can never show up at the time she says shes going to. what should i do? at the beginning of summer i told her if she was more then 10 mins late she was not welcome in my house. and it was working. she was showing up on time. but the last few days she has been really late. i dont want to be mean to her on my last night here but im so freaken sick of planing things around her lateness. any ideas for me? what can i do?




  1. um how much do u pay her a hour  

  2. Let her know how you feel.

    Use an understanding tone.

    Say something like :

    "I worry about you when you don't show up on time."

    Do not say:

    "I am so sick of you being late! etc."

    That way she won't get defensive and you two can still be friends.

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