
My best friend is in love with me!!!!?

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im srry, this is pretty long, but plz read and help me!!

we r 15 yrs old

me and my best friend, chris, have known each other 4 ever. we did eveything together. we still do.

last week, i invited a bunch of my friends 2 come wach a movie. chris came really early 2 help me get stuff ready. i tripped over the table since it was sort of dark in my living room. he help me back up. then, he sort of kissed me.

its sort of because, it only lasted a fraction of a second, im not really sure if he did kiss me and he might have been by accident.

once every1 else was there, i went 2 get something 2 drink. chris was in the kitchen. he stood there talking 2 me in the kitchen and then help my hand 2 get back 2 movie and sat next 2 me. when it was time 2 leave, he kissed me goodbye. on the cheek, so it still wasnt that wierd...

the day after, he came into my house, came up from behind me and started making out with me. we were kissing 4 a minute or 2 be4 i thought, "im kissing my best friend!!!"

so, i pulled away. he looked really hurt and ran out of the house.

i havent talked 2 him since. hes alway eitehr busy or not home when i go 2 his house, he doesnt answer my phonecalls and i really want 2 talk 2 him...:(

srry about the long question, but, plz answer!!





  1. You have some drama there.  Ask yourseld first, DO YOU LIKE THIS PERSON?  If yes, then go after this person and let them know that you do like them.  There is nothing wrong about liking your best friend or they liking you.  It is only natural, it happens to the best of us.  If you don't like him and want to remain friends, then let him know.  It will hurt you worse if you keep your feelings inside.  Find a way to get in contact with him, even if it means going to his house and confronting him there.  He might be hurt, but communication is your key element.  Hope everything gets better.

  2. he likes you. But just make things straith to him whether you like him or not so he doesn't have to wait ya know  

  3. Go to his house, and tell him, it's not that you don't like, him, you just needed time to think.

  4. u should talk to him at school and tell him that u need to talk to him and ask him if he would hang out some time and tell him how the kisses made u feel and see what he thought of it but don't make it a weird thing that happened to me and my buddy jacob and we didn't talk again till i started college and he was in the marines but he asked me out and flirted instead of the kiss

  5. He likes you and you like him otherwise you wouldnt have kissed him.

    Just because he is your bestie doesnt mean anything. I'm in love with my bestie, and if i was in your situation i would be jumping for joy. If it was me i would text him and apologise and invite him over cuz there is obviously an attraction there. However, it is up to you...but i think you like him too your just scared for your friendship. But honesty is the key! And if you are honest with each other and trust eachother nothing will ever hurt your relationship.

    Good luck! xoxo

  6. Next time you do speak to him, try and tell him that you only moved away, because you didn't feel comfortable kissing your best friend, and  that it all happened so quick that you didn't know what to do exactly.

    Way to meet up with him : Call his home if one of his family members answer, then ask them what time he will be in. Then go round to his house like 2 minutes early and wait for him x

    Hope this helped! Sorry if it didn't x

  7. Call him in the late evening when you know he is home. Tell him if he ever wishes to kiss you again that the two of you need to talk NOW. Then talk to him. Let him know that he took you by surprise. But first you need to decide did you like it or not then tell him everything about how you feel about the kiss. About him. Everything.

  8. he ran out.. or skipped?

    what a weiner!

  9. I'll say it again.  MEN and WOMAN CAN NOT BE JUST FRIENDS...  

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