
My best friend is moving in- advice?

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My best friend has been having problems with her parents (who I think are a******s, all they do is yell at her and make her run away) is going to be staying with us for a little while. Making her feel comfortable is not a problem, because we're practically sisters. Is there any advice on what I can do to make her feel better, though? I just bought a new video game she loves (: So that can help take her mind off things.




  1. My sister friend moved in with us for a while when she was having problems with her parents. She felt uncomfortable for a while but be welcoming and set up somewhere nice for her to sleep. Also, encourage her to talk to her parents, maybe suggest counselling, it sounds extreme but it helped my sisters friend and her family are working things out know and she has recently moved back in with them.

    Hope It Helps, Good Luck =]

  2. I can say this much. If she hasn't moved out before (not running away, but actually living on her own, being stable on her own, etc) being out of there will be good for her. I had issues with my parents and once I moved out, the control and the stress was gone, and I talk to them when I feel inclined to. Tell her that realistically, she doesn't owe her parents anything, being a parent doesn't justify giving your children h**l. If she wants to still have them in her life, she should sit down with them and say, "I want to still be in contact with you, but understand that if you only continue to be a betch to me, I will break off communication"- and then if they don't change, she just doesn't have to hear from them again all while you two can enjoy being roommates.  

  3. give her a personal journal. then she can write her feelings down that she might not feel comfortable telling other people. i use music to help me with problems i have a hard time going through. tell her to try that to see if that helps. try to get her mind off of things.  

  4. i did that let my friend move in because she was having problems and my heart was in the right place, but now... i wish that i didn't do it. in the beginning everything was okay, but now she is slowly driving me insane. i hope that this doesn't happen to you but at least you know what to expect. just don't let the stay be too long! trust me

  5. i just think that its really nice of u to do tht for ur friend... tht proves that u are a real friend....

    and for the taking her mind off of things, take her shopping every now and then... go to the movies... or for her, just being with u is probably the most help to her... just always be busy doing something and she'll be fine!!

  6. i think u should ask her wat she likes then suprise her

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