
My best friend is racist, she is trying to rub it on me as well, what do I do?

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I love my best friend, but for some crazy reason, she hated Asian people and Caucasian people. I love everyone and I hate discrimination. She hates the fact that I find most white men attractive and that I have some Asian friends...there was even a time that she said she wouldn't talk to me if i associated myself with them....what can I do to make her change or consider her way of thinking..she needs to be more open minded




  1. At this point you have so many answers you will most like skip mine but I have to speak. I am a white southern man who is proud of my heritage but hate racism. I dated a black girl when i was in high school and a lot of friends who I had known all my life truned out to be a bunch of jackasses who beat me frightened her and defaced my car. She was and still is the first girl i ever loved. It taught me a lot of things but most important that some people will not change. However some will. You have to set an example show her that ever race has good people as well as bad people. Set the example try to teach her to look at people with the eyes of a child unspoiled and new. That stuff is taught reteach her.

  2. Honestly, you might have to find a new friend if she doesn't knock it off.

    Seriously, she considered not talking to you (( which to me, sounds like not being your friend anymore. )) all because you associated with Caucasians and Asians? That's a terrible reason to not be friends with someone.

    You can't change her mind, really. It's obscenely hard. =/

  3. Best find a better person for a friend.

  4. Dump her.  She is a completely worthless human being. In this day and age, there is no excuse for being ignorant enough to believe that race makes any difference to the value of a person, so she is CHOOSING to be that ignorant!

    Find a new friend!

  5. be your own person...

  6. You need to drop her. She should respect your values, not get mad at you. I love all people too, and if my friend got mad because I talked to someone of another race...I'd be pissed. I don't understand why she does that.

    God created us to be equal.

  7. Personally I don't associate with racists except to pray for them to be freed from their narrow minds.I am a Baha'i and we believe and practice not only the equality of ethnic diversity but also the equality of men and women.

  8. Ask her WHY she hates whites and asians.

    Maybe she has some bad information that you can correct.

  9. Has she ever been discriminated against? Ask her how she felt about that, and she probably didn't like it, and then ask her, "So if you don't like it, how is it cool to do it to someone else?"

  10. I would not want that on my team. I like everyone.I will not let one kill it for me. I will make ten friends for each one like her I decide to cut lose. You seem pretty open minded. Lose the loser.

  11. You can't change the mind of racist people, either don't let her ideas bother you or find a new best friend. You can't change people.

  12. tell her to get a hobby

  13. Sounds like you may need a new friend. There's no reason to just hate an entire culture just because. That's pretty closed minded, and it will eventually rub off on you if continue to let her talk that way around you. Tell her to keep it to herself.  

  14. It is possible to have a friend with topics you disagree on.  My girlfriend has some opinions that we totally disagree on, and some we simply don't discuss. Sometimes the best way to talk someone into believing is to live a good life and be a good example.

  15. People like this are toxic.  If you tell her to knock it off and she doesn't, you need to stop hanging around her.  Plain and simple.  She's got the problem, not you.  Toxic people like this will in one way or another draw you into their drama and will get you caught up in things you have no desire to get caught up in.

  16. A racist person does not feel respect for other races. In my opinion she is not a good friend. sorry :-(

  17. Beware as some people make spreading hateful views their life's mission.

    Being around that constant negativity WILL rub off on you, even if you say no now.

    Don't ever associate with those kinds of people if you can.

  18. Well, first of all, you could try to understand why she hates Caucasians and Asians.  Don't just call it CRAZY...  Expect a lot of hypocrisy.  Expect her to take her hatred and issues out on you.  Expect her not to be a good friend, but stick it through.  Don't let her manipulate you in any way.  Stand up for what you believe and if she can't accept it, that's her problem.  

    Then, you could try to put her in situations that show her that her beliefs are wrong.  She will try to avoid talking about it...  She will erupt in anger before ever admitting that she is wrong.  She will be two-faced.  With the right words, situations, and know-how, you can debate her into tears (or violence).   You can help her see that it's wrong for her to hate an entire race just because of.....  

    Because of her pain...  What happen to her?  Try to empathize (not sympathize, unless you really want to).  Only when she feels that you really care about what she's been through will she put any weight on what you think, but expect a lot of anger and resistance...  Resistance to let go of the hate and admit that all humans are wrong at some point in their lives.  

    If you don't have the strength to not be manipulated, then just dump her and move on...  You know, like them so called Christians that don't associate with evil people.

  19. what do you like about this bff?

    I only like smart people and racism is dumb, so I would let her know how she sounds and tell her you will do the "not talkin to her" bit if she is going to feel that way forever.

    You cannot possibly stay close to a dumb ***.

  20. Thats no friend.

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