
My best friend just called and told me she was raped walking home..?

by  |  earlier

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she is 15...she said he pulled her behind a dumpster or something..she was just screaming... she will not go to the doctor like i told her too. she just keeps saying please dont tell please dont tell promise me you wont tell.... she is extremely traumatized and i dont know what to do... i told her to not change or take a shower and she just hung up on me! how do i deal with this!!! If i dont do anything a sick pig is going to be roaming the streets looking for other girls to take advantage of!!! im going over there in about 15 minutes so please give me some quick answers!!




  1. call the effing police. Tell her parents, she could be pregnant or have H.I.V or AIDS.

  2. ok well every one take things like this diff. (truse me) some people just need time to think about what happend some people can't stand being tuched some people even go into  a deep depression  but she really needs to talk to some one casue even if it hurts to talk she need to or it will stay with her,her whole life.  

  3. Do this now have your parents call her parents NOW and have tell them what she told you do it NOW

    The longer she waits the better the chance the as*hole will go unpunished

    DO IT NOW  

  4. call the effing police

  5. that is exactly what you should be thinking about. That man is out there, and he is going to do this to another girl!!! how horrible are you going to feel tomorrow if you see it on the news and you could have done something to save another girl? You need to call the police, RIGHT NOW, whether she likes it or not.  

  6. try and talk her into getting checked out. ther could be serious risks she could have rips from forced entry and stuff. he could get her pregnant and thats the last thing she'd want. and also let her know that it could happen again if she wont tell the police or anyone..just tell her that she can tell authority and ask them to keep it confidential. like cops will put it in the paper or something but wont put her name. so no1 has to know. really try and get her checked out . this is a serious matter.

  7. Be calm, and most importantly be a shoulder for her. Advice can come later right now she needs comfort. But once the initial reaction is over you have to realize that she needs to get to a doctor ASAP. Offer to take her yourself without her parents knowing or something to reason with her. But eventually they will need to know too. But right now, just go be a good friend.

    and call the police! no matter what she says, you MUST tell the police about this.

  8. Get her to the doctor A.S.A.P. and notify the police. She may say she doesn't want you to but it is the only way to catch him.  

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