from cancer and since she has no family I agreed to raise her 12 year old daughter. I already have five children of my own. She came to live with us three months ago and since then she has been in counseling. Unfortunantly she has beat up my nine year old son on one occasion, and has stolen money out of mine and my husbands wallets, she stole my credit card and ran up a three thousand dollar bill from the mall buying her friends New Balance shoes, and basically buying them shopping sprees. She dresses really S****y, and even my husband is uncomfortable around her as she has been coming onto him. I walked in on her from the grocery store trying to sit on my husbands lap and he kept pushing her off. When I got home he just looked at me and said he can't deal with this and left for the day. I caught her hanging my two month old baby upside down and laughing with one of her friends. I have tried all kinds of punishment. How do you give boundaries to a child who never had any?