
My best friend just told me he is moving away this weekend. Im sad, mad and depressed. What should I say/do!?

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ok. So he told everyone except me at school. He barely told me today that he'll be gone by next week!!! We are both guys and therefore not super emotional around each other. Should I not tell him anything and simply write him a letter and give him like a gift for him to remember me by??? If so what should the letter say and what could I give him!?!?

I'm really sad and can't even have the strenght to look at him with a smile and say goodbye. PLEASE. I'm desperate here. Help me!!!!




  1. Hi! I don't know if I could really help you that much since I'm a girl...

    You're lucky enough to be warned that your best friend is leaving. Maybe he didn't tell you that he's leaving because he's also hurt by that idea. Maybe he just don't want to see you sad before he leave. Maybe, he didn't want his last days with you to be so emotional.


    Nothing is as stressful as wishing that you've done such thing before he left.

  2. Its understandable the emotions you're going through as you are coping a loss.  However, be a great friend, and pal.  These changes will also affect him, but what he will remember is the friendship yous have shared, therefore keep it open.  Be your support by encouraging words, such as, wow so your moving...change means the doors to more opportunity will open to you towards your future...enhance it more by showing you have vision also pertaining to your future.  Show him your vision includes already having chosen a field of interest pertaining to your educational goals and you remain committed to self.  This will help guide him in that direction.  Yous both want the best for each other, therefore

    cheer each other on forward, think positive in ways of creating financial stability for your futures...etc..even consider making changes to your health by including fitness and dietary changes.  This will be a tremendous help in promoting good health habits, and will relieve stress and anxieties as you work towards your career/s and goals.  Making changes and remaining committed to them will be a way of communicating with him back and forth sharing those changes, and how it all has helped improved your lives.  Inspire each other towards success, and gather together to rejoice in them.  Remain open minded to making your circle of friendship/s bigger...and may they include individuals that also share the same vision/s you do to help encourage you while your friend is away.  Incourage him to do the same.  Perhaps all his friends and your new friends will gather some day in your celebration/s of success!  Here's to cheering you on forward as you remain positive in all your thinking.  Hope that helps, thanks for asking.

  3. look im in the same situation except im the one leaving and my mum told me out of the blue im sure it was hard 4 ure mate to tell u just give him a picture of u 2 doing something u both love ie: Bowling or something u know.

  4. I know how you feel, a couple years ago, one day my then best friend moved away for no reason, and today my current best friend moved to PA. Just don't think about it. If you are sad about it, nothing will be any different so just deal with it. Besides, if you act all sad and what not they will think about it and that is no good.

  5. If you both have myspace/facebook or any commutating site keep in contact with those. Get his new phone #. Do anything to keep in contact with him.

    This might be the end of the friendship. Most of the time when friends move away you lose contact and they drift apart. Besides keeping touch theres really nothing you can do.

  6. baby i went through the same thing, i'm so sorry to hear u have to go through it,

    for mine i had a party, i got all of his closes friends 2gether and had this big water party big there was like 5 pple there but he only liked 5 pple :P we had this water slide made outta bisquen and put soap on it, when he went in to the kitchen i walked in after him, caught his attention, and simply said "i love u, & u know i'll never forget you. we had so much fun 2gether and thinking that i'll never have any more memories like that, you know what i'm saying. it's just hard to say goodbye after 3 years of knowing you so i won't, but baby you have my number, u gotta call me ALOT" then i punched his arm lol but it was like that, simple short but right on the point, he wasnt my boyfriend i know it sounds that way but no he was just my friend he had a GF we were hangout buddies he taught me how to skateboard :P but if i can say goodbye to him i know u can do the same, hey i had to do it while fighting tears lol u know girls show 10x's more emotion u guy's but he prob told u last cuz that prob hurt the most, i was told last but he told me why he said that he thought that telling other pple he would get used to it and when he told me it wouldn't be so bad, i gave him a photo album full of pix of him teaching me stuff, me teaching him stuff, times our goth gang went out to eat, movie night's popcorn fights, the time i helped spray paint his garage, just simple personal things that will help him, he's hurting too, don't forget that, and on how to look at him with a straight face i can't just remember that it's hard for him and with Ur last times with each other u want to take this time and value it, this is priceless but pain and again i'm sorry, our school principal got him a get well card that had a piz of a ugly cat on it cuz of the store that we went to had no goodbye cards :P but we all put something in it a short memory that he made that will last a life time there were so many things in it we had to get paper to staple to it lol u have to tell him something or else it will just be un easy and right now u dont need this to be harder, so say something- u can poke fun at girls and be all fake emotional like "man *sinff-sniff i'll miss u *sniff" u 2 prob have poked fun at girls B4 so it'll ease the tension in the air,

    i know how hard this is, i'm prob going to have to do it again soon but the prob is how do i tell the guy that i'm in love with goodbye? i have to not cry when i tell him but still i prob will :P

    i'm so sorry

  7. Aw just because your a guy doesn't mean you cant be emotion with out being g*y. lol. you should tell him how you feel instead of keeping to your self. and maybe he didn't tell you because he didn't want to hurt your feelings. you never know therefore you have to go and ask him. If you write him a letter you should tell him that it was nice knowing him but just because he moved away you are still there for him. and i think a good gift is a picture of you guys together. if you don't have any then now is a great opportunity to take one for you and him both. And I'm sorry but if u were a good friend you wouldn't let that END your friendship

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