
My best friend kicked me to the curb. What should I do now?

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I have known this guy Jay since I was 12 years old. He was my first boyfriend and we claimed we were "in love"...about a year or so went by and we broke up. Throughout the years, he's had awful luck with women (while still having feelings for me) and I've had a lot of boyfriends. Now we're 20 and 21 and he resorted to finding love on the internet and met a girl named Patrice through Myspace.

Jay's friends (who are no longer my friends) told Patrice these really bad things about me and I had never met her. So she had this bad impression of me from the start and told my childhood buddy not to hang around me anymore. He said no. She was threatened cause he still had some feelings for me left.

Later on, I had taken some dirty pictures to send to a friend out of state. Jay knew about the pictures but never really knew what they were and asked to see them. I told him no. He asked anyway and I told them what they were. He asked again and I still said no. Finally, I gave up and e-mailed them to him

Patrice found out and threatened to break up with Jay. Jay gets mad at me saying I made everything worse. Eventually, they get back together but Patrice isn't happy that Jay is still cool with me. So me and Jay talk and he gets mad at me and blames everything on me. I told him if he would be happier with me out of his life then I would go and he can be with her.

He says "Go, what have you ever done for me?" And after eight years I'm out of the picture. Now here's the problem...

Jay called and asked if we could talk at school. I told him sure. I think he wants to apologize but should I forgive him and be his friend again?




  1. Well, do one thing.  Go to Jay and hear what he wants to say to you.  Don't stop him while he is talking unless he asks you a question. Try my advice and see what happens. Good Luck!

  2. Yea let him be ur friends. Its obvious he still likes u he just doesn't kno wat to do. Give him a break and he needs to give u a break but dont cut him ut of ur life for good. be friends and maybe u 2 might get back 2gether. I really hope everything works out for u 2. It sounds to me this Patrice needs to get out of the picture.

  3. you can still be friends just be more cautious next time its always hard to let go of a best friend you just have to be more careful the trust will come back again

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