
My best friend raped me and she got pregnant, Should i be a good friend and help her take care of the baby?

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My best friend raped me and she got pregnant, Should i be a good friend and help her take care of the baby?




  1. So, um how did she rape you?

    Every one handles this thing differently, but you don't seem to distraught on the fact that you were raped.

    Were you really raped, or did she get you to do something you now regret. You need to be careful how you use the word rape.

    IF she did rape you then you need to report her. Helping out with the child would be your being a father, not being involved in her life. IF you even are the father - she could have gotten pregnant by someone she knows wouldn't take care of it and then "raped" you to get you to.

    No (to you and those who answered before), a guy doesn't HAVE to enjoy it to have an o****m and come into a women. Men are actually raped at an alarming rate - usually drugged  or threatened is some form. But, it does happen. So when a women gets raped and her body cums in reaction that means she enjoyed it??? - NO!

    People need to stop giving answers to things they are not educated on.

  2. Face it people Guys can get raped!!!

    I think that it sucks that it happened to you.  Esp because of you sexual preferance.  It is hard to prove but I would talk to the cops and see what they can do.   If you want the child, or make sure it has an good life you do have an say in what happens to that child as long as the DNA testing shows its yours for sure.

    I would stay away from her, just like any other person would if they were raped.  Go to the the police!!! TODAY!!

    Good luck

    Do what you feel is right and what the best thing for your life is.

  3. First things first, you need to file a police report. Best friend or not, rape is wrong in all ways possible. And if she chooses to have that baby, yes, you must help her take care of it. Regardless of her being your rapist. I suggest you get some help. Take care and good luck. I hope you work through this.

  4. Of course you should be a good friend and take careof the baby,you enjoyed having s*x with her now is the time to be responsable for what you have done.

  5. Seriously son rape is nothing to joke about I am in the Medical Field ...

    Unless this girl was large there is NO way she raped you...

    Get a life  

  6. I dont see how she raped you if she got pregnant.  Usually rape is an unpleasant experience but you obviously enjoyed it?  I dont know what to tell you.

  7. Well.. She's your best freind.. how exactly did she "rape you" . It takes 2 you know.

    Sounds to me like you are using the word "rape" as an excuse to make you feel like it's not your responsibility.

    How old are you? You helped create the baby. If she's going to keep it, then you SHOULD help her take care of it. She didn't make it by herself you know.

  8. Wow some ppl are ignorant. If you say no and the other party does not stop it is rape. females can rape guys just as easily as a guy rapes a girl it just isn't as publicised!!!!!  And where does it say he enjoyed it?? Seriously ppl don't need to answer questions if they are going to give stupid answers!!!!!

    If you feel you should help her then help her otherwise stay out of it it sounds like she was trying to get pregnant if you are telling the truth. But that is not a willing situation where I would say it takes two and it's your responsibility. IF you are lying that is not something cute or funny to play around about.

  9. if you were g*y then your p***s wouldnt have gotten up!!! obviously you wanted it. and yes you should help her take care of your child...

  10. Do you know why nobody believes you? It's the way you asked the question. It's obvious it's not true. You asked if you should be a good friend to her.

    If it was true - you would've asked if you should be a dad to the baby or something to that effect. The focus would be on the baby, not on being a friend to the girl who supposedely raped you.

    Do you see now how pot has an effect on you? You're not thinking straight. ;] (yes, I looked at your profile...)

  11. how did she rape you? she over powered a guy and made him have s*x with her? did she drug you? im just curious but if this is a real qustion then yes

  12. awh

    im sorry about your "innocence" being lost.

    but you gotta tell her

    im not taking care of it

    and if u still wannt to then tell your parents


  13. Truly, she raped you?  That's an interesting twist.  Ummm, hmmm....  Have you talked to her about the situation?

  14. Lovely now your lil seed is growing... if she decides to keep the baby ya help her out...  Reminds me of the song Rape Me... Nirvana... haha peace...

  15. even if she did, that's your baby as well. A child growing up with one parent is harsh and cruel. But she did something bad to you. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to be be near her. But as the baby grows up, you should at least see her once in a while. Then the baby would know that she/he (when s/he's older) could go to you if s/he needs help. It would also be good to not let the child know s/he was born out of rape.

    If she did rape you, you should go to the police to tell both yours and her parents. I'm sorry for you having to go through rape


    to those below/above, who knows, it could have actually happened. I learned in school that there are drugs that can make you do things against your will or make you unconscious.

    Even if this is false, who knows. What if it's real? Then it would be very painful for this person. Be careful what you say.

  16. well it depends how u feel about the situation..if the baby if yours, then u have to think about what part u want to play, if any, in that baby's life regardless of what your best friend did (it isnt the babys fault that she did what she did). if u decide that u want to be a part of this baby's life, u have to talk to ur best friend about the situation and how she got pregnant in the first place.  obviously, she took advantage of you and crossed the friendship line. if you dont want this to happen again, u have to make it clear to her that u are in it for the baby and not her. if you arent interested in being a part of ur the baby's life, remember u might spend ur entire life thinking about how u should have. see, theres a lot of things to consider here. i would start off by thinking about whether u want to be a dad right now and then i would factor in the rape and ur relationship/friendship with this girl. however, just use this as a guide.  Remember, only u know how bad the rape hurt u emotionally, and therefore only u can decide what is best for ur future.  Good luck to you and i hope things work out.

    also, for anyone out there being harsh, dont assume things and remember u dont kno what someone is going thru until u walk in their shoes so unnecessary comments arent needed!  

  17. Its hard for a girl to rape a guy.

    You had to have been enjoying it, to get it up. Besides that fact, hows she going to get you into a position where she can get you to enter her without you pushing her off????

    Enter reality.

  18. how can any of yall assume he enjoyed the s*x, maybe this is a heavyset girl and just laid it on him. If i were you, i would sue that heffer n then take the kid, or you are gonna end up payin child support

  19. Would a girl who was raped ask if she should be a good friend to her rapist?

    Make sure the baby is taken care of (she doesn't sound as if she'd be a very good mother, and it is your child), but I'd stay as far away from her as geography would allow.

  20. Even if you decide not to, there is the possibility of her trying to get child support anyway. Since she raped you, they probably wouldn't hold you responsible, but its nearly impossible to prove. So you might as well try and do the decent thing for the kids sake, and not have to go through a mess in court.

  21. Umm...Dude...thats just g* the h**l can a girl over power a guy and rape u?. Seriously dude..cmon thats just pathetic and Sad..and also it looked like she wanted to get pregnet cuz she kept like wth

  22. first of all, its kinda her fault, and second, she should get an abortion, third if she is like totally into it and wants the baby, then yes, you have to help her because it would be rude not to

  23. Seriously, when does school start back up?

  24. Uhmmm if you and her "did it" then yes it's your baby and you should take care of it.

  25. Yes you should because it's your baby. It'll be hard, but if you raise it right, the baby will turn out okay.

  26. yes! shes pregnant, lucky! yes take care of the baby its your sperm. by the way you hot I don't blame her for raping you!

    ewww your g*y can't belive i said your hot hate g*y people....GAYLORD!

  27. What the h**l !? ok that is just weird , weird and creepy , usually its the other way around , i just dont understand how you couldn't fight her off ? whatever .....

    Anyways in ur confusing, twisted situation here i think you cant really ask pple their oppions because really you should think this through and decide for urself what you want to do but whats also the right thing to do ..... in my oppion i think NO! why ? , because SHE RAPED YOU!, not to sound crazy but that child should not even be born , its like a sin , it wasn't created in the way it should be , its like a forsaken child , you should try and pursue her not to have the child because theirs many reasons why she shouldnt.

    1. if shes still in school

    2. shes too young

    3. if you decide which i think you should , you will not be around and not offer your help for raising the child

    4. i dont how you could look at her or the child after its born and be happy

    5. you'd be throwing you life away , move on she did something horrible that scarred your life ...

    Let me just sum it up by saying you shouldnt have to hold responsiblity in taking care of the baby , because you didnt help her make , you didnt want to , she forced s*x on you , it was something you both didnt agree to , she didnt even put  condom on you ?. So i think your friend intended to get herself pregnant (some girls pull that **** on guys so they will stay with them) and now is probably clinging onto you for help and support/commitment, well you know if i was i wouldnt feel srry for her she hurt you if so and now is trying to ruin ur life by becoming pregnant!

    I say you dont have to have any part in this , she brought that on herself , not you , she proabably planned it and when someone does something as bad as rapping you their should be not forgiveness am srry thats my personally oppion , she violated you body .

    If i was u i'd press charges and take this to the police , they could be her in some home for teen mothers , you wouldny have ot see her again and could put this behind you , or she could pay by going to jail and having the baby there .... its totally up to you am just giving you my oppion :| , just dont make a decision you'll regret for the rest of ur life

    p.s in all that i say legally you'd be obligated to be responsible for that child but  i also suggest you get a DNA test just to be positive and if so srry you might have to help take care of it , uh i feel so srry for you .........

  28. if she raped you then how do you know she didn't rape someone else and its their baby

  29. If this is a serious question I'd have to say yes.. Because if a girl raped you you had to get erect somehow? Although if she raped you it would be hard to help her take care of a baby knowing that she forced you into s*x.  

  30. Ummm...right....

    That's why you told people in this question you said that you are a small boy that couldn't defend himself and then in this question asked if you could be a model because you are 17, 6 feet tall, and 125 pounds.  That doesn't sound like a helpless small boy to me.  Get a life; and by the way you couldn't be a model and would be lucky to sleep with any girl.

    You can't even convince people on Yahoo Answers that you got raped how in the world would you prove it to a jury?  And also, generally people who get raped don't enjoy it and wouldn't ejaculate, which you obviously did or she wouldn't be pregnant.

  31. whoa. uhm yeh i think the right thing to do would be to help with the baby...

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