
My best friend really hurt me today, how can I feel better?

by Guest56530  |  earlier

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My best friend just said something really mean to me. I need some help to feel better.




  1. Aw, I hate it when that happens!!!

    Don't sweat it. Was your friend angry over something or are they stressed out? Often times, when we are angry or stressed, we blow up at the people we love most, and don't even realize how nasty we're being until we are confronted about it.

    Give your friend a day or so to blow off some steam. Then talk to them. Let them know they hurt you. Hey, ups and downs are a part of every friendship.

  2. When ever my best friend has said something that hurt my feelings, it was most often simply mis-communication.

    I would suggest that you let your friend know how badly what was said, hurt. Try not to enter the victim role by using blame words like : You hurt my feelings. Rather state "I felt hurt when you said" ___________________ fill in the blank. "And it is still bothering me." Ppl.  listen easier if you own your feelings without placing blame on them directly. The best friend may or may not have meant it to hurt you. When you share your feeling rather than blame, it opens an avenue of dialog without any threat to the other person. Let me know how this plays out please. Here is a (((((((((((((((((((((((you))))))))))))))...  mean while.

  3. eat something good, talk to someone you like, watch a comedy, detail your car, hang out with other/better friends, exercise, play video games, go to the mall.

  4. Overlook his/her deeds and make peace with you're friend. This feeling is nothing compared to the feeling of losing a friend . So the best thing is try to over look it. i know it's hard.  

  5. first off you care to  much about what other ppl think about you and its a waste of time. take a picute of your friend tape it to a wall or cutting board and throw knives at it or draw on it :) or go out with other friends. usually when other ppl put you down its because the have issues with them selves

  6. You just have let your friend know they hurt you(or else they could do the same thing again. You also should forgive them and remember that nobody is perfect...Even YOU have hurt people before or said something mean, whether you realize it or not. Hope that helps!

  7. You should not pay attention to him, someone who hurts you with words is not even your friend.

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