
My best friend said I can do better than him! (pics)?

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I feel really sad. I don't really judge too much on looks. All I ask for is a guy who treats me right and doesn't do me wrong. I just like a guy to be average in looks or better. I'm not shallow.

I went on a date with this guy and he's really nice and gave me butterflies. But my best friend told me "He's so ugly. What are you doing? You can do better."

What should I say to her? It's just quite annoying. I know what she says is stupid, but every time she says it I can't help but wonder "Wait is he really that bad?"

Is he really that bad??? I think he's cute and when he smiles his eyes always get tiny.

P.S. If you feel the need to see what I look like, go to my yahoo360 or myspace. I would say I'm average-ish. She tells me I'm way better than him. She's just a little shallow. She admits it.




  1. if you like him, like a lot and want to be with him then you've found the guy for you. she thinks you could get someone who looks better and maybe you could but that person could be the meanest most offputting boring person ever.

    she's shallow and your not which means you have a much better judgement than her.

    as long as YOU like him thats all that should matter. its your business to choose who to like not anyone elses. x

  2. Honey, don't worry about what other people think.  Does the phase "beauty is in the eye of the behold" ring a bell?  If he makes you happy then go with it.  If he gave you butterflies you owe it to yourself to see where this goes.  I think your friend it just being mean. Maybe your friend is jealous that you have someone to make you happy or that your new man takes time away from her.  I would give him a chance, he may be the perfect man for you.  Only time will tell.

  3. who knows maybe she's just jealous.

    people like that shouldnt be friends.

  4. it doesn't matter what ANYONE long as he makes you happy.  Your friend is probably single and jealous of your happiness ..."misery likes company".  You would regret it later if you dumped a guy simply because your friends thought he was ugly, and he wound up making someone else happy instead, and all because of your friends, you settled for someone who was "hot" but a total jerk.    

  5. no offence but hes not the best looking out of all people >.... but you know its not always the looks because people say i can do better than my girlfriend but she is amazing and i would not  have anyone else !

    if you like him you stick with him!

  6. Why do you care what she or any of us think?  Do you like him?  Do you think he is cute?  If the answers are yes then you need to tell your friend to back off.  Don't stop seeing him because your friend doesn't think he is cute.  Maybe your friend is just jealous and doesn't want you to have a boyfriend.  

    BTW I think he is adorable.

  7. you are no prize and neither is he...

  8. i can't tell u if he looks cool or not photos r not enough sometime,what is matter is how much u like him & people r not just a body it is about soul,personalitiy etc,& about ur friend i wanna say that NO one on the earth has the right to tell u who u love or like or what to do & if she is realy care about u she must to chose the right words to tell u her opinion although she shouldn't,so do what u think it is the best for u.


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