
My best friend stole from me...?

by  |  earlier

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ok so my best friend stole a shirt from me and i was suspecting she did but i eventually forgot about it and now in her display image on myspace she's wearing my shirt so i am positive that she stole it from me. i sent her a message telling her that i know she stole it and if she gave it back i would just forget all about it. she hasn't got on yet today but i'm really anticipating it so i can see what she says. what should i do besides confront her?




  1. She isn't your best friend if she stole a shirt from you.

    Confront her and then leave her in the dust. You'll be better off.

  2. You need to analyze this friendship because if she was your best friend then she would have said "hey that's a cool shirt there, can I borrow that sometime?" that simple! If she can steal your shirt and have the nerve to take a picture in it and put it on her profile then she cannot be trusted.  

  3. lol well, that happened 2 me once.....maybe shes ashamed confrotn her ina joking and serious way.......if she stole it on purpose then b mad, if not 4give her

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