
My best friend tried to commit suicide by swallowing a full bottle of tylenol, could that have killed him?

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They say it would have caused liver damage but luckily they caught it in time. If they hadn't, would he have died?




  1. of course

  2. do you really need to ask?



  3. Depends on how big the bottle was, but there's a good chance that it could have.

    EDIT: found this info, thought it was interesting:

    "The pain-reliever acetaminophen, sold as Tylenol, also makes people sick to their stomachs at first, but then gets more deadly. The drug changes into toxic particles that are usually neutralized by glutathione, one type of coenzyme found in the liver. In overdose, if it isn't pumped out in time, the toxic particles deplete all of the glutathione, causing the painful death of an hepatic coma. Even relatively late in the process surrogate glutathione can save the liver, but if the organ does become diseased the results can be similar to those of hepatitis: jaundice, itchy skin, depression, long-term listlessness, inability to eat much."

  4. Absolutely, an overdose is an overdose, no matter what the medication or substance

  5. Absolutely. I hope he gets better and finds the help he needs..God bless.

  6. I don't know for sure, but anything that overwhelms your body and it's systems can affect the heart and/or brain. The real question should be, "How can I help my friend, who attempted suicide? What are the underlying problems/worries my friend is having to deal with that made him want to die? Your friend's suicide attempt was a cry for help. He feels overwhelmed with life. His act has made everybody sit up and try to understand what made him so sad/depressed that he wanted to take his own life. Let him know that you are glad he didn't die. He will feel stupid, remorseful, embarrassed, sad, hurting, etc., so stay by his side and comfort him. Good luck.

  7. Acetaminophen toxicity can indeed be fatal. It is not a pleasant death either, not quick and painless like your friend may have believed. The drug builds up in the liver until the liver goes into failure. This results in jaundice, and hepatic encephalopathy,  and  host of other problems including confusion, stupor, and eventually coma and possibly death. The onset of the problems is not instantaneous. It is like the rapid onset of chronic cirrhosis of the liver, the liver will expand and try to handle the amount of Tylenol in the system, as it does this it exerts pressure on the other internal organs, causing severe abdominal cramps, and internal bleeding, with the possible rupture of the ducts within the hepatic sub-system.

    Fortunately, Acetaminophen toxicity is only fatal in about 4% of people who overdose, either intentionally or accidentally. And thankfully, your friend was spared the long term health effects of his suicide attempt. I'm glad he was able to get help in time. Hopefully, he will get some psychiatric care to deal with the underlying causes of this attempt on his life.

  8. Yea, good thing they caught it in time!!

  9. Most likely.

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