
My best friend wants me to join volleyball with her?

by  |  earlier

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I do want to join volleyball..but! I stay after school for homework help and I sometime I have trouble with schoolwork so anyway we have this RULE if we get at LEAST one D- on my report card I won't be in a game until my grades inprove Volleyball starts in September really early




  1. Well I say go out for volleyball and give it your all. Just make sure you're organized. That helps me feel cofident in my school work. Or if you're falling behinde and you make volleyball team then get a tutor.

  2. go for it take time in the summer to study and practice for v-ball just rember grades before sports

  3. keep your grades up and play! volleyball is a great sport (my favorite) so i personally think it's sooo worth it!

  4. Go out for vball anyway, use it as an incentive to keep your grades up.

    Another great thing is that there will be older girls on the team, when there is free time before practice or games, ask them if they can help you. They aren't evil - I promise.

    just dont  copy off answers from people that have the same classes as you like a lot of people at my school do.

    good luck.

  5. use volleyball as the time to get out your nerves then when you hit the books, it will b easier to concentrate

  6. if i were you i wouldnt join volleyball untill your grades start improving because if you join and you get a D- you will let the team down and you might lose

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