
My best friends are on drugs!?

by Guest57922  |  earlier

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i feel so stupid for having not realized it. they've been there for me since the 6th grade and now were in the 10th grade and at different schools my two best friends have been keeping things from me.

before school was let out my boyfriend who goes to the same school as one of my best friend overheard her talking to another about her experiences with drugs, i later on confronted her asking her if it was true and she denied it. then this summer i was supposed to spend the night at my friends with my other friend and they avoided me and called me at 10:30 p.m. knowing i couldn't come over that late, i should have figured something was up.

i hadn't seen them all summer because they were out of town a lot, but when they were in town they spent time with certain people.

they asked me over the phone "if we some how got ahold of some weed would you smoke it with us?" and that was today and this all started months ago with them i figured out.

i feel like such a wet blanket for saying no and sticking to my beliefs, but friends aren't supposed to make you feel that way, right?!

i'll confront them on how they would have rather smoked than spent time with me and how maybe that was their choice, but what else is a person supposed to do?




  1. Good advice. Don't do the drugs just because they do. I got in the wrong stuff because of some of my best friends. Stick to your standards and morals. Be proud of  who you are and proudly say, "I have too much self worth to do that kind of stuff." good luck!  

  2. Its truly amazing that you stood with your beliefs and said "NO". You will definitely be glad you did...

    As for your friends, try and talk them out of it. Be a role model for them. If needed get them into some rehab or let their parents know.  

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