
My best friends boyfriend hits on me all the time...?

by  |  earlier

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so i met this guy and i was friends with him for a week or so and i introduced him to my best friend. well a couple weeks later, they started going out. they've been going out for over 2 weeks now. from the day i met him he has seriously flirted with me. he's actually crossed the line a few times by asking me to take my top off and things like that. (that was before he started dating my bff.) then a few days ago he was like "so have u ever had a bf?" and i was like "honestly... no i havent" and we got to talking about it and he's like "so noone has ever asked u?" and im like "no. i mean. i've had guys like me but i didnt like them back. stuff like that" and he goes "oh. so u didnt like me?" and i was like "no. the whole time i've known u you've had girlfriends" and then he starts saying "well good cause ur not my type" and stuff like that. but then he's like "but if i was single, i would i would make out with u" what in the world??? should i tell my friend? and if so, how?




  1. well u could always go along wit it n stuff u kno b sneaky n stuff

  2. well they dont love each other they have been going out for 2WEEKS! they dont know anything about each other, id just tell him if he hits on u again ur guna tell ur friend and that u think its inappropriate

  3. u say, "if ur trying to flirt with me, im not interested sorry"

  4. tell him to leave you alone

  5. talk to your friend first before you talk to thta guy.  She could understand more that that guy that is hitting on u.

  6. Tell your friend...they've only been going out for 2 weeks, which is basically nothing, and she'll get over it quickly...

    Cut this DB outta both of your lives and apologize for introducing him to her

  7. u need to tell ur friend... maybe she knows a different side of him.. and if they have only been going out for 2 weeks i strongly doubt that they r in love.. they might be infatuated with each other butnot love.. and she needs to know.. if u were her wat would u want ur bestie to do? My bestie would tell me and i would tell her. If your not willing to tell her just make sure he knows that u just want to be friends .. and from what i can tell he is going to end up hurting her in the end..

  8. He has no respect for you or your friend. She needs to kick him to the curb.

  9. stop hanging around with him on your own then. obviously youre loving it. grow up

  10. tell her that, she should have a tight leash on him because guys like that are unpredictable.

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