i was at my best friend toms house on monday, and liek we are REALLY close. like inseperable close.
everyone thinks that eventually we are going to end up together.
anyway, tom was upstrais and i was downstairs with his older brother matthew. matthew and me have always been good friends too, and he always cuddles me and dances with me at parties and talks to me and drgas me away from tom to tell me things.
we were on the sofa, laughing at something on tv.
then he pulled me nearer to him, and put his arm round me. he moved me so that i was leaning on his chest, and started stroking my hair.
he asked me if i thought he was hot, and i said yes.
and i asked do you think i am, and he said "bloody stunning, i'd date you".
and i said "oooer".
and he said "well, it would depend on what tom would say, and what answer you'd give me"
and then he leant in, and kissed me really lightly on the lips.
and i like him :S
what do i do?
should i stay clear? or tell my best friend?