
My best guy friend just told me he likes me a little what do i do ?

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i like him a bunch but he likes me a little and my cuzzin a little and yes he told me him self




  1. i would say it would just destroy ur guys-es

    friendship and u dont want to risk

  2. If he likes you and your cousin a little, I'd wait it out.  To see if he likes anyone more.  Even though you like him a ton, you can wait - because it'd be bad if you told him you liked him a lot and then he wanted to go out with your cousin.  So, bottom line.  Wait it out just a little bit longer.

  3. This can go bad either way.  If you like him and tell him then your cousin could get upset if she likes him.  If you  tell him you don't see him like that then it could grow awkward and you lose a friend.  Talk to your cousin and find out their opinion on it.  And figure out what is best to do after that.

  4. i would ignore him because you could get in a fight with your cousin if she likes him too. but if he gets over her ask him out i guess.  

  5. ehhh. it wont last.

  6. tell you like him to

    nd find out if hes okay with it

    nd find out if he likes you enough to go out

    nd if so

    then u just got yourself a boyfriend

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