
My best guy friend likes me ?

by  |  earlier

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okay i've been friends with him for like the past 8 years of my life like BEST FRIENDS. we've never hooked up or even kissed on the cheek and the past 3 years ive had a boyfriend. so lst night he professed his love for me and i felt AWFUL. it wasnt just like i like you it was this whole tangent of i love you i have since i met you your perfect gorgoues evcerything i want blah blah blah. i love my boyfriend and im not breaking up with him but what do i do about this ITS SO AWKWARD now. like i havent talked to him cause thats weird...i dont know what to say.




  1. One thing is for sure, you can't not talk to him. Even if its awkward you don't want to lose him. So just tell him you don't know what to say but he's really important in your life, just not the same way. That will at least get the conversation flowing.

  2. you two have been friends for 8 years this is defiantly something you two can get threw. you can't blame then guy for taking a chance. you have to tell him that you may not feel the same way, if he is your best friend you show him that you two may have hit a rough patch be can work threw this and still be close friend like always.

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