
My best guy friend said something that really hurt me today!! HELP!!!!?

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Today my best guy friend saw me in the hall and he just stopped really quick and said hey nice shirt! Then the kid next to him said " Why are you talking to her?" and he said "I don't know!" He told me that we were best friends and he would never do anything to hurt me but that hurt! and i know it's kinda stupid but i feel like crying. I mean if he thinks we are best friends then why would he say something like that!! I used to like him but after he said that... not anymore. My friend Bailey told him that i was mad at him. But i don't think its a big deal to him cause i get mad easily. What should i do i mean he used to be my best friend but now... idk!! ( just fyi he's kinda the football jock guy and i'm not... i'm the sweet one nobody notices..... ahhh help!!!




  1. What an a** - just forget about him!! Move on and find new friends!!!

  2. Ignore him, obviously he never was a friend at all. Don't dwell on it, move on with your head up high!

  3. No~ Dont ignore him. I have had that problem. It sounds like the person who said "why are you talking to her" is the jerk... your friend may not have meant that offensively... or he may have been trying to act cool... thats just how guys are. But its not worth loosing a friend unless you talk to him first and see what he was thinking. trust me, it works. I could have lost my best friend ... but i talked to him.... and we are still tight!

    But now, I have a new bgf (best guy friend) that has been ignoring me for 2 months now! i dunno what to do. Good Luck!


  4. Obviously he doesn't appreciate you. I think you should let him know it hurt you the next time  he tries to talk to his "Best friend". I think you should let him go as a friend because he isn't devoted to the friendship. Keep him as an associate.

  5. well whoever said "why are you talking to her sounds like a jerk. dont be too mad tho, u need to talk to him

  6. Okay.

    The first thing you should know is that boys are completely different from girls....and they're stupid. Boys joke around differently and don't understand the kind of things they can and can't say. Also, keep in mind that if he's popular, he may be worried about his social standing if your not exactly in his circle. Guys care more about what others think than anything else even if it doesn't seem that way.

    It's understandable that you got upset. Maybe you could take him aside, or the next time the two of you talk, you could tell him that it hurts you when he says things like that. Let him know that he doesn't need to prove anything to you and you like him better when he's not showing off.

  7. He wants to be yur friend in private, thats not a friend for him to do that in front of his friend shows that he's not a leader.  

  8. you cant trust us jocks. we always do that sh*t

  9. i think he just didnt know what else to say,but call him and ask him whats up.guys are funny like that.he needs to tell you the best friends a guy and he wouldnt do that to me so,ask him!

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