
My best mate 14 is pregnant i know this is really bad but she dont know what to do?

by Guest10696  |  earlier

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i would love some suggestions

my mate is 14 and is 1 month pregnant

she DOESNT want to have an abortion

she is also trying to find a way of telling her parents

i know this is a bad/very bad situation

but any suggestions and/or help would be highly apreatiated

thanks very much

x*x Laura (Me)

x*x (My Mate)




  1. I would suggest she call this number: 1-800-395-HELP. She can talk to trained consultants that have experience helping pregnant teens like her. Maybe they could advise her on how to tell her parents because she needs to tell them and the father as soon as possible! Go shopping with her and get books on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. She will also need to get a Gynecologist and prenatal vitamins. Make sure she eats healthy and doesn't smoke, drink, or lift heavy objects.

  2. Silly girl. Silly uneducated girl.

    She's just another statistic that we, the tax payer, have to pay for now.


  3. well,im 13 andd i know ppl that have already had abortions it really sucks.i say she tells har parents at a public place even mcDonalds im not joking.

    im happy that she wants to keep the bby.

    i go to church and theirs young ppl as 12 13 with bbys new the church is alot of help to them because they support them alot and being with other teens that dont judge is good.


  4. Okay, this must be a really, really scary time for you. It's pointless me typing in capitals making it look like I'm angry when I don't know you and it certainly won't make you feel any better at all. Right now, you need support. You must, must tell your parents. You can't wait until your in labour to tell them. No matter how hard it maybe to tell them, they love you and hopefully, they should be there for you. They probably will be angry. Just give them time. My best advice is, adoption. You still have schooling ahead of you and that is so important. It is your decision though if you want to keep the baby. Also, if your still talking to it's father, he can give you support also.

    Good luck.

  5. she should teel her parents thats she's  pregnants. And tell the guy's parents. And then workout a plan.

    P.s. Your friend is a dumb@ss for getting


  6. i know its very hard but you gotta tell her parents.... i was a teen mum so i do realise how hard it is.... the support that her parents can give her will help (even if they are mad/surprised) thay will calm down and reassure her for what pregnancy holds, also getting to a doctors and getting a midwife will be best done early as they have allsorts of tests to make sure mum and baby are healthy. also they will give her folic acid to take in the first 3 months of pregnancy to prevent spina bifida in a baby. a midwife will tell your friends on what to eat and to avoid in pregnancy.

    tell her parents ... together if she needs you and im sure everything will be just fine... young mums are just as good as older and it dosent mean the end of things for your friend as nowadays there is alot of help and assistance for teen mums to help them get their chosen career off to a good start.. x*x

  7. Wow, well there are a LOT of things your friend will need to think about and she is going to need help! She's keeping the baby so she needs to tell her parents soon, of course they will be shocked-having s*x at 14 is bad enough but then ending up getting pregnant too...sorry i know this sounds really harsh! She needs to discuss her options with her parents. What about going to school, who will look after the baby then? Also if she speaks to them now they can arrange doctors appointments etc she will need to have scans and blood tests thru out pregnancy to ensure she and baby are ok.

    Lastly, is your friend aware that it is illegal to have s*x under the age of 16???

  8. I think your friend needs to tell the father of the baby and her parents Yeh she is young but she needs to take responsability and grow up fast.

    Tell the father and then maybe go with her and tell her parents. Try not to think of it as a big scary thing and tell then she made a mistake. She will then need to look at coping and what will happen when the baby is born.

    You can be there for your friend by giving her advice, maybe even going to scans with her and just being a good friend.

    By posting this question it shows your a good friend.

    Good Luck.

  9. Must tell parents  soon.  she will need help  . She must say she is so sorry she let them down.. and now desperately  needs their love and help.  Although very upset,  they will do this,  she is their daughter...   And  once they know  your friend will  feel so much better...  They can talk over with her  all the possibilities,  about the arrangements  to be made, and who and how  the baby will be cared or.She will still have to go to school and     is there anyone  who can care for the child,,, Does mum work  etc...

  10. First try to find the father of her child and then tell the parents about the pregnancy

    Dont tell the parents without finding the father.

  11. all you can do is be there for her .. my old best mate was pregz and all i could do was be there for her .

    dont feel pressured into doing anything .

    end of the day its her mistake.

    she needs to learn from it .

    yes 14 and pregz is bad but its not like no one has been pregant at 14. quite alot of girls are and their parents mostly stay's with them otherwise what is the point in being a parent.

    just tell her that she needs to tell them. so they can all sort it out as a family.  all you can do is be there for her dont pressure her into telling her parents just say u think its a good idea she tells them straight away

    My friends mum was supportive 100% ,

    she lost the baby by throwing herself down the stairs or something cant remember but since then shes used condoms and the jab ever month x

  12. she is right not to do a abortion! :)

    i think she should tell her parents, they will get upset at 1st, but i am sure they will help her. tell her not to worry.,

    i hope everything turns out fine. x

    congratz xx

  13. She prob dont want to hear this but what a silly girl, wasted her life, I really dont think ppl who dont live by the law ie, NO s*x under the age of 16!!! should be allowed to have benifits!!! lets see how many girls would get pregant then if they didnt know us tax payers was going to fork out for her mistakes!!!! the law is there for a reason!!

    Ppl like that is the reason me & my partner cant afford j=kids cause were 2 busy paying for other peoples!! what was she doing having s*x when she was 14????? I was still playing post offices with my cousins!!!

    On a lighter note, she needs to tell her parents asap & get some guidance

  14. please please please have an abortion, there is nothing wrong or bad about this. don't let the religious zealots tell you otherwise.

    she is 14 years old, NOT old enough to give the baby the best life she can.

    this baby is not a doll, and I'm sure if your friend had any sense she'd realise that the baby should come first, and in this instance its not best for it to be born.

    when you have a kid you should want to give it the best life you can, what kid is going to be proud of their uneducated young mother who no doubt lives on a council estate with god knows what other characters milling around, with no job and no prospects.

    just think of the baby and its future life!!

    *and to the pro lifers, if you'd rather this baby be born and have a **** life then maybe YOU should look after it not make the stupid child look after it.

    you care so much about the baby being born, shame you stop caring about its life once its "popped out"


  15. no one should call her silly because you can get so easily caught out by not bein careful. I am 17 and just found out im pregnant. Although I still think im very young to a parent and I am your friend is exstremely young and is stil a child really herself!

    She is in a sitaution in which she is going to need a person a lot older who can give advice on what she can do, as so young some people see abortion as her only option but it isnt. A young mother does not mean a bad one!

    I would deffiantly talk to the parents and of course they are going to be mad but it will feel like a weight of her shoulders and they will be able to help her through it know matter what she thinks.

    I am pleased that she doesnt want a abortion there is a start.

    Good luck to her she is a very brave girl x

  16. "Mum, Dad I made a mistake and got pregnant" She needs to tell her parents to discuss the options about her pregnancy

  17. the sooner she tells her parents the better! tell her no to leave it any longer! maybe they will be more helpful than she thinks.

    But do not leave it too long! they wouldn't appreciate hearing it form some1 else!

    Good luck!

  18. She should speak to a responsible adult.  Try calling 1-800-395-HELP.  They'll give advice about telling the parents, and direct your friend to the nearest non-profit pregnancy clinic.  They deal with these kinds of calls all the time, so they won't judge, nor will they pressure her into an abortion.

    <3 Kelsey

    Added- LOL amanda just beat me to it!

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