
My bestfriends boyfriend is refusing to go to my Wedding because he hates my fiance?

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Its really upsetting me that he cant be happy for me. My bestfriend who is also the maid of honour is trying to talk to him about it but he wont listen. He doesnt like my fiance because he thinks hes not right for me. what do i do?




  1. This individual is your best friend's boyfriend!!  Not your best friend!!  I am not sure how long they have been dating or how close you are to them as a couple, but his opinion doesn't really matter.  I do think it's a bit immature to boycott someone's wedding because you don't agree with it.  It's just silly, it's not going to make the couple not get married.  So, he should just suck it up and accompany her (your MOH) as her date.   But, he's not.  He's being a baby.  

    Anyway, I would not worry about it.  It's really not any of his business to comment on.  If he doesn't want to attend, that's not your business either.  Your MOH should be worried about how other are going to view her relationship, because her boyfriend decided to be a brat and not attend the wedding.  Thus, leaving her dateless and abandoned during an important social event/obligation.

    If he doesn't want to go, he doesn't want to go.  Don't worry about it.   IMO, he's the one with issues in his relationship.  What kind of boyfriend refuses to accompany their girlfriend (who is also serving an important role) to a wedding of a good friend?   A jerk!!!    He should be worried about he treats his own girlfriend, instead of worrying about how his gf's best friend is treated by her boyfriend/Fi.

  2. Are you going to keep asking this question every day? Or are you just trying to suck up drama? Not everybody is going to agree with you in life.  Get over it and grow up. A guest can decline to attend a wedding FOR ANY REASON.

  3. My sister (who was also a bridesmaid) told me the day before my wedding that she didn't want to be in the wedding..and didn't want to come to the wedding at all (her son was aso my jr. groomsman)..because of an argument she had w/ my now I could never imagine getting married without my sister by my side..let alone..not there...I was so deeply saddened and upset...But I finally came to realization that if she cared about me and wanted to be there for me....then she would put aside how she felt about my husband and suck it up for one day...if she wasn't willing to do this..then I felt sorry for her..I wasn't upset anymore...because I realized that the people who loved me and wanted to a part of this beautiful and special time in my life...would be there to support me...the same should be in your case...if he doesn't like your what?!?..he likes you as a friend and should be there to support you...if he still doesn't want to go...then what a huge loss for him to not be able to see his girlfriends best friend look beautiful in her wedding gown and happy...regardless of his feelings toward the groom..If he's any kind of friend at all he will realize that regardless of what he thinks about your future made the choice to marry him..that was YOUR choice not his...and he should support that..don't let it upset you and stress you will have lots of other frends and family there to support you...shame on him!

  4. Let him stay away.  

  5. Sounds like there is no giving in.  Why should he be so concerned about you anyways.  You are obviously in love, and he is the right one.  Or you would not be getting married, right?  Sounds like you may not want him there anyways, sounds like it might be a big problem on your wedding day.  You do not need that.  There will be plenty of other people there for you.

  6. You do nothing and continue on with your wedding planning and get married! Is  him not being there going to ruin your day? I hope not! Is him not approving of your fiance going to ruin your relationship? No. Go get married! Ignore the drama queen. :)

  7. This is concerning you way too much (you've asked this same question before) and I'm beginning to think that you have 'feelings' for this you? Is that why he feels you are not right for your fiance? Does this best friend's bf have feelings for you? It's very strange that you are obsessing over a guy that isn't anything to should be shrugging your shoulders and saying 'whatever' instead I get the impression you're in a near what's REALLY behind all the concern......why should you care if he's happy for you, or whether he's there or not...very suspicious.

  8. is he right?  if you think you have made the right decision, then talk to him and tell him you understand how he feels but you love your future husband and you are sorry that he cant come to the wedding. How does your future husband feel about this?  Has he tried to talk to this guy and change his mind?

  9. accept the fact that he is doing the right thing here.  weddings are the coming together of people who care about you and your fiance to celebrate your marriage.  if he doesnt like your fiance and doesnt support you guys getting married then he shouldnt attend the wedding.  If he did the he would basically be going for the free food and drinks or whatever you guys are serving and thats not right.  I think you just need to respect his decision and be thankful he is willing to miss out rather then make a scene or say something to ruin your day.

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