
My bestie and me are drifting apart, what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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unfortunately, we're going to different high schools now. I've made tons of frends, and i'm sure my bestie has done the same too. But to me, i feel like we're not talking as much as we used to. She's been my bestest frend for the past 10 years, and i hate to say, but i don't feel as close to her as i did in junior high. We talk on IM, but wen we do, she doesn't really pay attention to wat im saying, or just says BRB and never comes back. I don't want to lose our 10 years of frendship becuz of high school, but i mean sure she'll make frends, but its a little scary to be drifting away from ur soul sister so easily after three weeks.

We've both have crushes on guys at our skool, but i don't think the guys are getting in the least i hope not.

alot of ppl at my junior high sed that our frendship wont last for long, and im sad to say that they might be rite.

wat can i do to make our frendship the same again as it was in junior high? i don't want to lose my bff so soon! please, all advice will be helpful!




  1. I totally understand what you mean. I used to have a really good friend, we could tell each other anything. Then I had to move to Canada and we stopped talking so much. Sometimes your school friends are only your friends in school. It's really hard for a few weeks and you might lonley or sad but don't worry in a few weeks you'll feel better. I moved every few years and I have found that it's best not to have a best friend because it hurts too much when you have to leave. It really is much better to be friendly to everyone and just have fun.

    If you really want to repair your friendship you could decide that you will have a sleepover every 2 weeks or something. That way you both see each other on a regular basis.

    Hope I helped

  2. I'm a pretty social 31 year old and I've been through a lot of types of friendships. When I realize a friendship is going through an iffy stage - the first thing to do is evaluate how much of a friend the person actually is at that moment in time. It sounds like your soon to be ex-best friend - in your words "isn't paying attention" to you. If it isn't that cut and dry - I do a pros and cons list - and that usually clarifies everything about the friendship.  If the person just ain't cutting it - its time to 1) be upset about it and 2) make room for someone who does.

    I've toiled around half dead friendships and it's pure misery. Now that I just cut my losses when my caring isn't being reciprocated, a new super-nice person always rolls around the corner almost immediately and I'm a much happier person! Trust me, they just aren't worth all the energy it takes to maintain the friendship, and you can't force someone to be a good friend.

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