
My betta fish wont eat, and i've had him for 4 WEEKS!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My betta fish, bubbles, wont eat a the pellets i give him, and i have owned him for 4 weeks! once like an hour after i put the pellets the tank, i was taking them out because i didnt want to foul the water, and one of the pellets fell down onto his gravel and he ate it. but i dont want 2 keep doing that because he might not see it and it would foul the water. Even wen he comes up 2 gulp air and i drop a pellet in front of his face, he still wont eat it. I dont think giving him bloodworms is a good idea, because he might not want to eat anything else. what do u think is wrong? how can i make him eat?




  1. my fish used to be like thatt but i used to keep moving him. my sister told me if you throw the food pellet in to the water with alottle force instead of just letting it drop, it will get your bettas attention.. it worked for mee

  2. He is obviously eating something or he wouldn't have lasted 4 weeks. Anyway, my recommendation would be to drop in some live food (mosquito larvae or small ant or a tiny worm) to get his natural instincts to eat back. After he fattens up a bit and starts to attack any live food you put into his tank, he will start to attack pellets or flakes the same way and find out they are pretty tasty after all.  It worked for my betta who didn't care for flakes when I first got him but gorges on it right now.  

  3. Bettas are picky eaters, so you might have to switch from pellets to something else. It sounds like your feeding him too much food, though. The pellets won't foul the water if you only put about 2-3 in at a time. You take them out of his bowl too soon. Just give him some time to get used to the food. Or you could try changing his diet. Let him try some of the bloodworms. Good luck!

  4. He must be eating...Or else he would be dead. Keep doing what your doing and feeding him, I'm sure he is getting it in him some how...

  5. Personally, I hate the pellets. I prefer flake food, so do all my Betta's. You can supplement with live food and it's really good for them if you do. Try flakes first though, it may take him a few days to get used to it, but from my personal experience they prefer it.

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