
My betta fish wont start a bubble nest! please help

by  |  earlier

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ok so heres the deal my betta wont start a nest! i put the female by hin <visable> for like 3 days and still nothing why wont it start a nest i really want babys! also do i have to feed them live food and put a leaf in there im really new so please help me out!!




  1. Be patient! You just can&#039;t ask for them and they&#039;ll be there in no time.  Give them time, the male betta will make a bubble nest if he&#039;s healthy and happy. So give it a week or 2 keep him happy well fed and taken care of. I&#039;ve had a few betas and the one i currently have has made a bubble nest before =]

  2. Well your lack of heater and filter may be a problem. In my opinion with Betta&#039;s they do better with lots of room to swim and a clean tank. They are tropical fish and require warm water 75 - 82 degrees. The fish may not breed if the conditions are incorrect. Your pair might also not be mature. Another factor to think about is if you are really ready to take on the responsibility of not only caring for mom and dad but also for all the fry. The fry will need a tank of their own once they hatch and can free swim. They will also need a special diet. I suggest researching on betta breeding..before you decide you &quot;want&quot; the fry and the extra responsibility.

    Good luck.  

  3. The best thing to do is go to the library and check out a book on breeding and raising Bettas.  Or research Betta breeding on the internet.  Below is a good site to start.

  4. get a heater

    bettas are tropical

  5. Dont breed them..

    You really dont know what you&#039;re doing do you?

    2 gallon tank is too small for breeding..

    Your male probably isnt happy, thats why he isnt building a nest.

    Do some research. Google is your friend.

    PS. What are you going to do with the babies if they do breed? thats IF they survive.. I guess you have pet store long tail betta fish, which wont sell very well.  

  6. Take the Leaf Out.

    Ohh And The Betta Fish will only Make Bubble Nests if He&#039;s Happy or Trys to Impress a Female.  

  7. why would your male betta make a nest? it&#039;s almost the end of mating season.

    and you cant demand babies, and they&#039;re really expensive to breed so i suggest you not

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