
My betta is dying, please help I need quick helpful answers!

by Guest58958  |  earlier

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I have a community aquarium of 6 female bettas. The one that is dying is the most dominant, has all her fins and everything.. no bite wounds. Anyways, I have been noticing lately that she has been very gloomy. Last week she was pooping an inch of p**p out, but she wasn't bloated. So I have been keeping an eye on her. Last night she was hiding a lot and now she is laying down in the tank breathing slowly. I separated her but help! Is it too late to help her out? Any idea? Suggestions?




  1. i think your mom should let you get some aquarium salt... well the vertical strips could mean that its ready to mate... o.o just a suggestion. :]

  2. You put bettas together. Don't they kill each other.

  3. I would ask your local petstore. Sounds like she has some sort of infection tho. Some infections in betas you cant see, but you can notice signs. I think you did the best thing for her tho.

  4. you should take her to the vet, fast. i dont have experence with fish or pets, but it looks like shes sick.

  5. How long have you had this fish, most betta only live an average of two years. The symptoms suggest old age. If your are not sure of its age search for fungus or parasites. If possible quarantine (separate).

  6. Oh no! You know, they're really picky fish. Either the dietary needs aren't being met or...something like that. And they're pretty darn spoiled. I heard bettas live longer the bigger their tank.

  7. aww c**p call a vet fast!

  8. She may just be dying of age, however, it may be a disease or parasite. Check this website, it saved one of my bettas when she was sick  it's very informative.  Good luck

  9. Is there any visible sign of illness? Bloating, fungus, popeye, anything?

    I lost a female a few months ago that exhibited similar symptoms, and she passed away after a few days...I could only assume she was eggbound. You can try making sure her water is super clean and warm, and maybe add a little extra aquarium salt to her tank.

    Good luck!

  10. go to the pet store and in the fish isle there are fish medications, look at the boxes and see which matches your fishes symptoms the best. begin treatment according to the box. it sounds like your fish has a fungal or parasite infection.

    i never knew you could medicate fish, but there are parasites and other infections that can happen and can be treated with full recovery if you get the right medication in time. don't think it's too late till it really is too late.

    just go to petco or petsmart and look at the medications there, they have lists of symptoms just try your best to match it to your fish. plus it won't help to ask them there if they know anything.

    also if it is an infection from the water with all your other fish there is a life saver over all tablet you can get that you treat the water for 10 days to help keep the rest of your fish healthy too.  

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