
My betta is leaving this foamy stuff in the water at the top of his tank do you know why this could be?

by  |  earlier

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I've had him for about 6 months now and at first i had him in a bowl but i moved him to a tank. Does it mean he's ready to breed is he sick anyone whose an expert on fish please help as i'm fairly new to this.




  1. bubble nest. i once had 1000 and over  beta fishes counting the babies. you dont have to be worry.  

  2. It means he is making a bubble nest and he is ready to breed. Nothing to be worried about. They will do this for a couple months.

  3. Bettas make the bubble nest for breeding as everyone has said. They also do it because they are happy and healthy. I didn't know what it was either until I did some homewoek on it. It's kinda interesting.

  4. don't worry he's ready to breed you see the males make bubble nests for the females to lay her eggs on. your male is perfectly  healthy so there's no reason to worry

  5. he is making a bubble nest it is totally normal.

  6. Sounds like a bubblenest.  Its perfectly normal behavior for male bettas.  That is where they would care for the fry if a female with eggs were to come along.

    That doesn't mean you need to breed him and its reccomended you don't as bettas can have several hundred fry and all the males will eventually need to be house seperately.

  7. He is making a bubble nest. This is what breeding age bettas do - they make a nest that the eggs would go into if the female betta laid any. The male betta takes care of the eggs. That is one reason they are so aggressive. It's normal; don't worry about it. Just keep a gallon of distilled water @ room temperature or set out a gallon of water for @ least 24 hours so the chlorine will dissipate and change the water as needed.

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