
My betta is losing her color. I changed the water her color started to come back now she is losing it again.?

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Is she dying or does she have ick? Please help I do not want her to die!!!!




  1. There are three things which might be causing this.  

    A few years ago whenever I bought my first betta fish, I kept him in normal tap water... bad idea.  The chlorine, ammonia, and bleach found in tap water not only shortens their life expectancy, but can also cause their colour to fade.

    The next option is that you are keeping your fish in direct sunlight.  While sunlight isn't exactly bad for your fish, it can cause your fishes colour to fade.

    The third and final reason is the lack of a varied diet.  Betta should be fed a mixture of live/dried blood worms, pellet food, and occasionally flake food.  The more varied the died the prettier their colours.

  2. There are a number of reasons, I would check the water temperature first because if it gets too cold that will cause a betta to lose color.

    Feeding a varied diet will keep the color vibrant. Besides the pellets made for color enhancing specifically for betta's you can buy a dried mixture of blood worms and brine shrimp. Also, and I have had two betta's, they love peas! I used to get the regular frozen peas, thaw and  shell one and cut it into four pieces. Peas help clear out their system too so bonus and a nice treat.

    I love to go to a particular website that has very accurate and expansive knowledge on betta's. The lady that runs the site has been breeding and caring for betta's for years and really knows her stuff. Good luck with your fishy.  

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