
My betta won't eat, floats in a corner of the tank, and is very pale. help?

by  |  earlier

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i need answers, not spam. so unless you can give me a good answer, don't. Recently my betta milo has stopped all activity and is floating at the top of the tank, not on his side, not on his back, just floating. he is disinterested in food, and completely ignores it. he is also very pale, a pinkish violet color not his normal brilliant blue and red. I could not find a match for what he has online, and as i am desparate i will ask here.




  1. well you can change the water do you know the average pecent of betta die in eight month

  2. How old is he? It  might be time to go...


  4. maybe you can find some food tablets that you leave in the fish bowl, they sorta absorb the nutrients when they take in the water.. might keep him going till you find a better fix. My betta did that too, eventualy he got better. Now my teadoro is a happy little fish  

  5. Well if you notice something wrong with his fins, it may be that the 4 other fish are nipping at his fins. Fish tend to do this because a betta's fins are long && flow. It sounds to me like hes just stressed. It could be because of fin nipping or maybe because he's a betta that prefers to be alone (a LOT of male bettas do). I would suggest moving him into his own tank && see if he gets better over a course of a few days. Good luck =]

  6. Betta's are suppose to live in separate tanks because they are so aggressive towards other fish. Maybe he has been being picked on by the other fish, put him in a separate tank asap. I would Suggest using this liquid Medicine we use on our fish, It's called Quick Cure. It helped my fish in days. It clears up fin rot and cotton fungus etc... If that doesn't seem to help, try changing food or adding some colorful plants to it's environment. Hope this helps! good luck

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