
My bettas are side by side. whats going on?

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i put my fish together in the same bowl so they could mate but their at the bottom side by side. what are they doing?




  1. ok...did you condition them? Is the female full of eggs? Did you give the male time to build a bubble nest where he could see the female and not get to her and build his nest? WHY ARE THEY IN A BOWL TO SPAWN! Betta fry can NOT live without a heater and a sponge filter of some sort. You will need a 10 gallon spawning tank, filled up halfway with water that is heated to 80 F exactly and condition the pair for 2 weeks then leave the female in the males sight, but in a place he can not get to her. Once he has a head start on the bubblenest, release her. Once they have spawnedremove the female, then once the fry are free swimming remove the male. These links might help you-

    Good luck, and the key to sucess is RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!

  2. Bettas need to be conditioned before you breed them and you'll need at least a 10 gallon tank in which to house the fry.  Please do more research about breeding before you try it with a fish as complicated as bettas.  They're not easy to breed and beginners shouldn't try breeding them untill they have a firm grasp of what they need to do.

    It sounds like they're posturing and sizing each other up for a fight.  Males and females don't really get along.

  3. That's "challenge display" behavior isn't it?

    Things might get unfriendly fast.

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