
My bf's friend called me s**y...? help please?

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ok my and my bf are really close. but his friend thats also my friend recently commented facebook on almost all my pictures saying stuff like "im fine and s**y". should i tell my bf ?, and that could ruin his relationship with his friend. or keep it to myself and pretend it didnt happen?, but then my bf could also look at my comments and confront me about it. idk what to do..




  1. wow. all boys are like that

    hes just beeing friendly

    dont take it personal.

  2. Dont take it personally.

    If ur boyfriend says something about it then just tell him that u didnt say anything because u didnt think he was being serious.

    My boyfriends friend was standing over me and said "Wow, your showing a little too much cleavage". I was like "Oh sorry." and he said "Its okay I enjoyed it."

    I told my bf about that because it was creepy and perverted and my bf is not friends with the guy anymore.

    Do what u think is right.

    Good Luck!

  3. hes friendly maybe

  4. I'm thinking it's a friendly thing. On my facebook ppl are always commenting "You're super hot in that pic!" And "Lookin good" :) they are just buds tho.  

  5. if you're as old as you look in your picture, you're in high school or in college, in hs and college, people mess with other people like that, so yea...dont be too worried

  6. you should say to your bf something like "omg ur friends acting really weird lately... like calling me s**y and stuff" and then he will probaly talk to him and see wats going on idk if it will ruin their relationship or something but they might work it out.

  7. That doesn't necessarily mean anything. I tell people they look s**y on pic comments all the time... but that doesn't mean I like them or want to do anything with them. It just means that they look good, its a compliment. Just forget about it, unless he starts making suggestive comments or coming on to you or something.  

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