
My bf & I have been dating 5 mos. - how soon is "too soon" to get engaged? ?

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We have been friends for 3 years and dating for 5 months. We moved in after 3 months of dating and everything is going great. I'm 32 and he's 29 and we've dated enough to know that we've found "the one"!




  1. as a guy i would be worried but your not getting any younger so your gona have ot let him, know how much marriage means to him, and let him know how much you care, this maybe given throw a quick blow jobbb, or jsut some doggystylllee, good luck all the best

  2. Each couple has their own time table. My wife proposed to me after dating 5 weeks. We were married 2 days later. We are still enjoying life together almost 42 yrs. However, a lot depends on age. We were both 25 and knew what we wanted and knew when we found it. I would think that at 32 and 29, you would know too. So, go for it. Good luck to you both.  

  3. Sorry I can't help but laugh... what makes you think he's going to propose if you are already living together?  Good luck with that.

    To answer your question -- there are no restrictions on these types of things.  Really what matters is how the two of you feel.  I would also recommend talking to close family and friends.  Typically if the couple is making a mistake by rushing into it someone else can point out why it might not be a good idea.  I didn't phrase that well... basically if the couple and their family and friends are all okay with it... it's probably one of those relationships that was meant to be.  If there are people that have major concerns then try to address them .  I'm not saying you have to put on the brakes completely if, for example, your Dad is old fashioned but I am say listen to his concerns and make sure it's just him being old fashioned.

  4. no such thing as too soon.. people that date for 10 years and then get married still end up divorcing. I had a co-worker that married her boyfriend after being with him for only 5 DAYS!!! they've been married forever too.

  5. I think you have answered your own question.  Go for it.  You should know what you want by now.  Congratulations!!

  6. You all are more than ready. Time to pick out the ring!

    Best of luck.

  7. I think if you know that each other is the one then you would have done it already. I think it just depends on the relationship and how you feel about the other person.

    good luck

  8. Nope, not weird.

    Our friends got instantly engaged like Darhma and Greg you know - they have been together for 15 YEARS!!!!

  9. You are still in the honeymoon stage of your new relationship, when the s*x is still exciting and new.

    Give it 3 more years before you start talking marriage.

  10. If you have known eachother that long I would say you are safe.  Now if he was a stranger and you had only been dating 5 months I would say wait till you hit that 1 year point.  Good luck!

  11. 5 months shouldn't make you even think of mentioning the word marriage, because when you get married, you have to know each other inside and out, mentally, emotionally and physically.  That takes approximately 3-5 years.

    Your relationship should be with love, respect, trust, communication and always making each other happy.  The only way you can do that is if you are together for years.  Before you get married you have to be able to say you could never live without each other, but you know you can.

    Your ages are great and at your age, you should already know that 5 months and talking about marriage is ridiculous.

  12. There is no particular time to wait.How soon, would be "as soon" as you are both ready!

  13. If he's the one why are you in such a hurry to make it official? If you want to get engaged, at least make the engagement a long-ish one. You have to be absolutely sure.  

  14. If you are already 32, you should probably dated around before him enough to know he is "the one."  I don't think it's too soon.

  15. we got engaged after knowing eachother 9 mos. wise men say only fool's rush in. but i'm the happiest i've ever been

  16. well hmm engaged I say now you can but have a two year engagement first... btw google living together before marriage online and see how much your odds of staying married are...

  17. Sounds like you both have a good knowledge of each other.  I recommend pre-marital couseling. I knew 2 women who married nice men that they really knew awhile and all families and friends approved.  The trouble was family planning and finances. Both got annulments because one husband wanted to remain childless( I couldn't believe they never discussed it). The other sisn't want his wife to work after having children.  She worked hard for her law degree!  These things can happen to the nicest people and all 4 people involved are good people with totally different directions for the future.  It wont hurt to see someone in your church or a marriage counselor so you will have a happy engagement and a wonderful life together with ease of mind.  Congratulations!

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