
My bf and I can't agree on Baby's Name

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A little background information before might help...

My boyfriend and I dated all through high school and a few years past and through college, we then broke up for a few weeks and I started seeing someone else. Needless to say a few months of being with the new guy I got pregnant and he left me. I had still been talking to my ex as a friend and we decided to get back together since we knew we loved each other and had been together over 6 years.

So my boyfriend and I are disagreeing on what to name the baby. This is not his child, but he plans to be here and get married and raise him. He has been here since I found out I was pregnant, I know he wants to be a family and isn't just here for nothing.

So my question is, he really hates the name I picked out, but I can't think of another name I like for a little boy. Do I let him talk me into using a different name or does he not have a choice since its not his baby.

Another thing, he really likes Konnor but I feel that we should save that name for when the baby is his when we have another one. I think wasting his favorite name on a child that isnt his will just make him feel worse about wishing it was his.

What do you think, should I name him Konnor Matthew instead of Kaden Matthew, and if I left him help name him do you think it will help him be closer to him even though I know he feels really hurt that this isnt his child?




  1. i think you're very ungrateful.

    the father of your baby disappeared when he found you're pregnant, instead your ex boyfriend want your child and now, really, do you have the courage to ignore the choice of your boyfriend?


  2. I like Connor Macloud. Don't like Matthew.  

  3. I think you should name him Jerry Springer since that is where your "family" will end up anyway.

    Okay that was mean..

    How about Parker Matthew.  I like that name.

  4. WOW!  What a man to take up responsibility like that!  Please, keep this man, he's quite a find!  :)  He really is a good guy though.

    Actually, I think that by your B/F helping you name the baby, you WOULD be helping him feel closer to the baby.  

    I don't think you should *let him* name the baby.  Choosing a name should be something you two do together and decide on together.

    I don't know if you want advice on the name itself, but...

    I personally like Connor Matthew (with a C).  It's more popular recently than previously, but in the end, I think it's timeless.  But if you just really want a K name, then I'd go ahead with Kaden

    One thing about Kaden, though it is a handsome name, is it's really popular right now (Kaden, Kaiden, Kayden, Caidin, etc) and will probably die off in just a couple years (it's a "trend name") --- and there's Aiden, Hayden, Jaden - those are all popular right now and so similar.  It may not matter to you how popular or trendy, or not, a name is though.  I just thought that info might be useful to y'all

    Anyway, good luck with the son and finding the right name!

    EDIT: You COULD name the baby after him (the "step-dad" for lack of a better word.)  That would really be an honor, and maybe bring them even closer together.

  5. I would just let him name him is he exsited that your pregnant. Because if he is give him a chance to be a part of everything and let him name it.

  6. let him pick the name to call "it" since "it" isn't his

  7. He is gonna be the "daddy"

    So you should really choose a name together

    Can you not come up with a name that you both love ?

    James Matthew is solid and masculine


  8. how bout Zach Micheal

  9. well your right if he names him he'll wanna be alot like him but if you want my opinion i would say to keep searching for names you'll soon find something that you both like but that's just my opinion but if you take my advice he'll be really close to you  

  10. You have to think, this man is willing to bring up another mans baby as his own. Will the child be calling your partner 'dad' ? Will your partner be providing for the baby emotionally and financially? Let your partner have a say, whether it's his baby or not, he'll be the one helping you bring him up. As for baby names, I personally prefer Konner, but clearly it is up to the two of you. You never know, once the baby is born, you might change your minds completely x*x

  11. I think it is his baby. He came back to you and wants a family and wants to be a dad in every way to the little boy. I would go with his wishes. I don't like the spelling with a K, though. His name will be misspelled all through his life. What about Connor Matthew?

  12. First of all... He wouldn't be 'wasting' his favorite name on your baby. Ever baby is precious no matter where he or she came from. Did it ever occur to you that maybe because he loves you he thinks of this baby as his own?

    There is no correct decision here. And I don't really think it's about weather he is that daddy of not. Lot's of couples have this argument. I however did not cause my hubby is whipped. But besides that point, I think you should search for a new name together.

    Pay attention to the meaning of the name. Maybe a meaning that symbolizes your relationship? Then it will be very special for both of you and he will feel included.

    If you go to you can search names by meaning, first and last letters, or even heritage.

    Good luck to you.

  13. uhmm well it's not his baby. lol

    i know he may plan on raising and stuff with you but not one ounce of that baby belongs to him.

    so he doesn't get to make those decisions. you do.  

  14. Well, to be honest, I'm not a big fan of the name Kaden. But I do really like the name Konnor. I think that since he has been there for your pregnancy, and wants to marry you and be a father to this child he has every right to weigh in on the name. I told my boyfriend that I really liked the name Zander, how did he feel about it? He said it was okay, what other names did I like? Eventually I told him that there just wasn't any other name I liked better and I would always regret that we didn't name him Zander. Even though there were other names we both liked. He agreed to it and Baby Z is due on Halloween.

    I think in your case you have to make a decision right now- is this YOUR baby, or Y'ALL'S baby together. If you decided that he's just yours, and you get to name him, you're going to continue to follow that mind set forever.  

  15. let him name it konnor

    it will show ur serious about letting him have a role in the baby's life

    use kaden as a middle name


  16. I was going to say if he is going to be there with you and raise it as his own, then he should get to help pick the name. I would think it would give him a good bond to start out with the baby.

    If he keeps saying the baby isn't his, I would be a little worried about how much he wants to be there. That's not going to be easy for the baby to have to deal with.

    Either way, if he's going to be there with you, I wouldn't use a name that he hates. You want him to connect with this child.

    I would decide on one together, and give the baby his name, or a form of his name as a middle name.  Don't save anything for a child you might have together in the future. If you are doing this together then you are doing it together and he should think of this baby as his.

    Also I like Konnor .. (well Connor) more then Kaden.

    Kaden is extremely popular, rhymes with 4 other popular names (Jayden,Braden,Hayden,Aidan) and is used on girls.

    I've even seen Zaiden,Dayden, Tayden etc. the sound is getting too much.

  17. i like Kaden Matthew

    what about

    Kaden Michael

    Cody Austin

    Konnor Jordan

  18. u should definitly name it Kaden matthew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i luuuuuuuuuv that name!  go for it!

  19. I would go with Conner, or 'Konnor' because Kaden, Aiden, Hayden, Jayden, and Braeden are so overused. My son has the name Jacob after a family member, and it does get really irritating when everytime we go someplace there are 3  Jacobs. Also I think you shouldn't be so worried about him 'wishing' it was his 'real' child because he already said he is willing to take this baby as his. I think you guys should choose a name you both love no matter whose DNA is invovled.

  20. Okay, well it may not be his biologically but since he is gonna be there with you and raise it, you shouldnt say it isnt his. I understand what you mean by naming his favorrite name to a child thats not his. But he is the one thats going to be there. So to him it is his. So you should listen to his names too. I like both names yall picked out.

    I love the name Konnor! and I like the name Kaden. But personally I like Konnor better.

    I also love the name Jaden Mathew.

    ..If yall both like that!

    Well wish you best of luck!  

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