
My bf and i are secretly engaged. should we tell anyone or keep it a secret?

by  |  earlier

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my bf and i are only 15.

i know it sounds crazy,

but we're completely in love with each other.

he got me a ring-[obviously it's no diamond, we're 15]

but i wear it every day.

i know it sounds crazy to some but we know we're gonna stay together.

we just know we're right for each other.

my question is, do we tell our best friends?

[we could always say its just a promise ring]

im dying to tell my bff.

but im not sure how she would react.

PS. we've been dating for a year. just incase you were curious.




  1. Why not slow down a bit, and make the ring a promise ring? You can't marry for several years yet, so what's the point of being engaged? You know how you feel for each other, and what you want in your futures, so there should be no harm. My first thought before clicking on the question was "If they're hiding it, they're not old enough to get married," and I was right. Wait until you don't have to keep it a secret, and you can be excited, share it with your loved ones, and plan the wedding of your dreams. Are you planning skipping out on college or marrying in between high school grad and college? Are you going to have solid careers, cars, insurance, and your own place in the time you've set before you marry?  

  2. what makes it different than a promise ring? you guys want to get married one day, just not yet. best of luck to you and your bf :)

    ps If you are not planning on getting married "one day" and are planning on getting married immediately and seeking parental approval (you need approval if you are under the age of 18) your parents (and then his) should be the first people you tell.  Tradition dictates that parents should always be the first to know their children are engaged.  Also, your bf should ask your father or mother for your hand in marriage (or just generally ask their approval).  After both sets of parents know, you would announce it to your family and friends.  After that, many people announce their engagement in the local newspaper.  After that everyone will know.

    Marriage is a commitment that should be take very seriously.  How do you plan on supporting each other and where are you planning to live?  This and many other questions need to be examined thoroughly before entering into marriage.  Online often times you can find books that pose the necessary questions that need to be asked before a couple makes the commitment to get married.

  3. Just stay Promised, and don't worry about growing up too fast.

  4. Engaged or not, the years it will take before you can legally get married can change a lot.  I thought I was madly in love with all of my HS boyfriends and swore I would marry them.

    I wouldn't tell people, because its not like you can actually get married, it would just lead people to want to talk you out of it.  Wait a few years, and when you can legally marry, then tell people.  

  5. If you have to keep it a secret you are not mature enough or in love enough to be engaged, let alone get married.  If you dying to tell your bff and not your parents, you are not mature enough to get married.

  6. You never know what the future will hold. Maybe you two will be the two that make it until you are 90 !!! Good luck to both of you...

    Now... for you question... I would say... keep it a secret... something special just for the two of you... plus... if you tell anyone... then it's not a secret anymore...


  7. dude ur totally mad, if u stop this nonsense u will live happy for life trust me this **** is all bullshit

  8. I would say do not become engaged reason is your only 15 I'm  not against itI'mm just saying its my opinion just think what would your parents say about this. If its only a year since you two have been dating it could just be a promise ring that it will remind you too of eachother. But once again its your choice.

  9. believe me i was there once. 15 and madly inlove. we had our futures planned out and we thought we were perfect for eachother...we dated for 2 years...

    things change and you still have a lot of growing up to do. believe me i do to. for now just say its a promise ring. even though they are your best friends they could look at you guys like your crazy. then again...if they are truely your friends...

    its up to you, im just saying youre way too young.

  10. Keep it a secret for now.  If you are still engaged in a year or so, then you can tell people.  

  11. I would keep it a secert  because you are so young. Your only going to hear critisim.  

  12. I wouldn't just say it was a promise ring, I would make it a promise ring. If you guys are serious then you have promised to be together. I've been with my boyfriend for 5 1/2 years (since i was 16) and have yet to get an engagement ring. I do have a promise ring that he game me after 1 year. it means the world to me to be able to proclaim to be his girlfriend. As romantic as it seems itll be worth the wait, trust me. Once you get engaged it should be celebrated, if you have to keep it a secret you aren't ready. Being 'promised' is very appropriate for someone your age and you can tell everyone.

  13. holy c**p.  well....back in day everyone got married at 15ish.  if you were my daughter...i would tell you to stay together for like 5 years and then get married. everything's going to change and you might not like eachother in a decade.  but you're not so....  i say keep it a secret bc secret's are fun and romantic.  surprise everyone by giving them the wedding invites.  if u cannot wait, then maybe just tell ur bff.  goodluck

  14. Youth.

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