
My bf broke up with me and i still love him likee crazy =/ what should i do?

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we only lasted just over a week but ive loved him for ages,,

he asked me out and he said it's not the right time and maybe it could happen another day. we're good friends but i still love him and i keep getting teary. any advice?




  1. Unfortunately, you don't have any other choice but to move on.  I just broke up with my boy and the only thing your wasting being upset is your time.  Life is short and you will meet so many people so just keep your self busy and get out there again.  We have to know and believe that we are great and anyone stupid enough to give you up is missing out.  And though that may not help hearing someone say it, try saying it to yourself.  The happier you are with yourself the easier it is to realize the blessing in disguise that are in our life.  But life is full of obstacles and EVERYONE goes through the same thing you are every single day.  Just cry if you need to and in no time you will notice yourself thinking about it less and less.  But what I have learned from the breakups I have had and one was devastating, is that all the hard things make your stronger and smarter.  Just remember that you are great and you deserve someone you cherishes what you offer.

  2. i don't think there is anything to get really upset over. i mean getting upset is normal but i think you just need to stay friends with him =]  

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