
My bf has a warrant out for his arrest! If he wont open the door and they bust it down can i go down with him?

by  |  earlier

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He is the one on the lease! I am not on the lease! What happens if i am sleeping when the cops come or what if i just dont open the door! Will they take me down to? I mean mabye i dont heard the knocks or something what can they do if im not on the lease?




  1. Wrong side of the law is an unpleasant way to spend your life.   Reflect and change

  2. He should turn himself in to the police. It will look better in court if they don't have to come and find him, and they will find him.

  3. It's advisable that you open the door and temporarily leave the premises if they tell you to, but as long as you stay out of the way and don't actually interfere with them, the cops can't charge you with anything.

  4. Tell him to turn himself in!

  5. No, not unless you are purposely doing something to prevent the police from making the arrest or discovering his whereabouts. If they come to the door inquiring about the warrant and asking for your BF and he's there you better tell them so.

      They can't bust in with an arrest warrant unless they know he's there. If they are positive he's there and you don't answer the door, they're coming in.

    They can come in however with a search warrant for his person anytime.

  6. there are winners and losers.  He is not a winner.

    A real man turns himself in and faces his punsihment.

    "cowards" hide and sometimes takes people hostage when cornered.

    run as fast as you can from this person.

  7. If you have done nothing wrong, you will not be arrested.  Just being there when they arrest him is not enough.

  8. In my state your actions have to be more overt, like slamming the door in the officers face, barricading, helping him hide under the dirty laundry or tripping the officer when they come in. You arrest would be for obstruction of service.

    As far as not answering the door. If he is not there or even if he is,answer and open up, that way the door stays in one piece, I assume you will be still living there after he goes, at least for a while and you would want a working door.

  9. You are living with a fugitive from justice who has a warrant for his arrest, which you know about, and you want to know if you will go down with him? If you are living there, I could care less if your name is on the lease. You have established residency as far as I am concerned.

    Want to help yourself? Get away from this loser.

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