
My bf has unexplained scratch marks on his chest, how did they get there?

by  |  earlier

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they werent there when he went to bed last night, i dont have nails so it cant be me doing it in my sleep, he has no nails either, and my daughter who sleeps in with us part of the night has no nails either. Could there be paranormal forces at work? the scram marks look like this - V I I




  1. Fleas or mites caused him to itch and consequently scratch in his sleep?

  2. V I I is the roman numeral for 7

    if it was alians then i bet that he was ther 7th abduction

  3. Does the number 7 mean anything to either of you?

  4. This is easy to say sorry to tell you but its a anther woman not a poltergeist

  5. Can I now tell my wife that my scratches on back are from a poltergiest? good stuff

  6. it has been known to happen, ill give you an example of one case where this happened...go to this site and look up the annabell story

  7. from his girlfriend

  8. You dont need long nails to scratch someone, I blame you or him!

  9. WTF?

  10. it could of been him, but as a beiliever of paranormal, that might be possible. the house that you moved into? has unexplained things been happening? scratching in walls or ghosts? footsteps/ have you moved things around and done construction and this is happening......this is a typical haunting if all these are the case and with that comes some eerie and scary stuff, and it is possible. now if this is like a onetime thing... then most likely it was him.

  11. Wake up...he is having another woman...and she is give him the works!!!

  12. Many people forget they also have toenails. Your daughter could have done this if she was moving around in bed between you. Otherwise, it might be you having nightmares or repressed memories (missing time episodes) that come out while you're sleeping from some possible trauma or past child abuse. Check the psychology section as well.

  13. Unexplaned scrathes on his chest?  I'd say rough s*x with whomever it is he's cheating on you with.

  14. i heard that case and it seems small beings were the responsible in the scratch in his chest.the reason is unknown.maybe they hate to see you two in bed while they were roaming around the room.maybe there are other reasons!

  15. I don't think you should worry!VII-thats a roman numeral,I think either 4 or 6,I'm not sure.What meaning could that have though?Can't figure that out,you better look for other clues.

  16. Why does it immediately have to be paranormal?

    Does he or you wear any kind of jewelry, like a ring, a piercing or anything of that sort?

    (There is no such thing as paranormal forces, and if there was, they would have better things to do than scratch the chest of a sleeping man.  Find the solution in the every day things around you)

  17. It could be any number of things; I know I've discovered scratch marks on my back that "just appeared" before and I was thinking "WTF is that?"

    I didn't/don't have a BF so its not like I had a 'probable' ghosts and such coming in and out all day but never would I have believed that they would have done such a thing to me in my sleep.

    Took me a while to realize that I had my son scratch a spot I couldn't reach --- 'cuz the same spot itched --- and while he didn't have fingernails to speak of; he had enough to slice thin cuts in my back...not on purpose, but just the angle he happen to use.

    I've also done the same thing to my leg...see a scratch and remember that I had an itch previously.

    He could have had an itch and scratched at it but not realizing he cut himself.

  18. he might be a werewolf?

  19. How do you know that he didn't get up in the night and scratch those marks with some sharp implement just to freak you out?

  20. Does he have a hairy chest ??

    Maybe he confused it for his balls while sleeping.

    Your a mess

  21. It could be paranormal, but it could also be him or yourself doing something in your sleep.

    The best way to find out is to video tape yourselves sleeping to see what type of "activity" is going on. That is the only way to rule anything out, because I and no-one else can honestly say it is or is not paranormal without having concrete proof either way.


    i wish i could help that is just really really scary, and spooky.

  23. maibe he just scratch on the bed or it was a ghost and scratch him maibe just scratch hes self see or just go to the doctor to not infected and doctor will tell u

  24. No nails? We all have nails & however short they can manage to scratch! Sounds quite normal to me.

    Now if you'd said he'd got them on his back or lower I'd certainly tell you how...

  25. yes i believe that your b/f was probably abducted by aliens during the night taken to the mother ship just outside the earths atmosphere and subjected to a series of biological experiments  either that or he slipped out when you were snoring and spent the night with that floozie at no. 44

  26. Vincent G is on the right track. Sometimes I forget to take my watch off, and end up with scratches on my face.

  27. I wouldnt worry about it, I used to do some rough work and I would get scratches, cuts and bruises all the time, and wouldn't know where I got them.

    Watch out if he starts bleeding from his hands and feet, starts talking in aramaic, and cries blood.

    If thats the case he might have a stigmata.

    But actual cases of this are very questionable, and it probably isnt real.

  28. Not from a ghost -- ghosts don't have fingernails either! Scratches can take a while to notice. It is possible he got scratched during the day and the red marks were not noticed until later. I wouldn't discount you or your daughter either, because even with short nails it's possible to cause scratches. Finally, if you're wearing a ring on your fingers, those can easily cause scratches. My wife's wedding ring has gotten me several times.

  29. Lotion??  I once caused scratches on myself by using a skin cream...  Some very tiny flecks of glass had worn off the top of the bottle and ended up in the lotion.  When I applied it I produced sweeping, shallow scratch marks across my skin!  Looked like a veritable werewolf attack!

    Likewise, could there be a fleck of glass somehow in the bedding, which caused the scratches when he moved at night?

    Also, sometimes when people are very distressed by something, they will inflict scratches on themselves.  It's embarrassing so they may hide or deny it, although it's a common response to acute emotional pain.  Is that a possibility?

  30. it could very well be paranormal,is there any thing else that happens in the house? get a digital camera and take pictures tonight,take pictures in every room with the lights out. the main room is the can even try to get E.V.Ps with a tape might be surprised,good luck. its best to do this after midnight.i been doing the ghost hunting thing for quite a while now.just try it.        long live the ghost hunters.

  31. umm i really wish i could help,but i cant.

    && thats just rly rly scary


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