
My bf is at Ft Benning, when I start writing him, should I send him stamps?

by  |  earlier

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I know they can buy those things when he's there, but he only took $20 with him I think and any other money he has, is in his bank. So when I get his address, should I send along stamps to him, will he need paper? Thanks




  1. You might consider that he's bunking in a room with 30 guys, and they've all got people they want to write to back home. If you send him a load of stamps, it's likely that he'll get hit up for "loans" which may or may not get repaid.

    The SASE idea is a good one. If you're in the mood to be generous, and possible win your man some points with his buddies, enclose a bunch of stamps with a note that he should share them.

    Care packages end up being shared anyway, so if you send food, don't include anything you'd want only him to get.

  2. He gets a paycheck and they have a post office on base.  Don't send him any stamps, you are enabling him.  

  3. That is a great idea. Send him some stamps, notepaper and a pen. :o)

  4. Sure, it helps. He can buy them there, but he's not always allowed to go.So send them, my family sent me  alot, and it helped.

  5. Sure you can send him stamps. He's going to get a card pre-loaded with a few hundred bucks (I forget exactly how much it was. 250 or 350 sounds about right), that he'll use to buy the basic items that they don't standard issue. Everyone gets the card; it's deducted from your first pay period anyway. He'll be able to buy stamps on his own, but the further he can stretch the amount on that card the better. Plus I'm sure he'd appreciate it just to know you were thinking of him like that. While he's there be sure to write, write, write! He may not always have time to write back due to the extreme amount of control they have on what he'll be doing from moment to moment, but receiving those letters from you will be to him what spinach was to Popeye!

  6. I send my hubby a self addressed stamped envelope, wrap a piece of paper around it. He's always wrote me back and said it's much easier on him this way.  

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