
My bf is fighting custody..what about upcoming deployment?

by  |  earlier

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My bf is going to be starting a custody battle here in a few short weeks because his evil ex wife is not wanting him to see his kids during the week days because its stipulated in the custody papers that he can have them on the weekends. The only reason he wants to see them during the week is because he is deploying shortly and wont be able to make another trip before his deployment to see his children..only she is being a selfish ***** and saying no. Mind you she is the one who cheated on him during his last deployment. What will happen with his upcoming deployment if hes in a custody battle?




  1. From my own life files....  He can get a coninuation on all upcoming court matters under the soldier sailor relief act. This should not have any affect on his deployment, if he so chooses.

    Tell him to get a lawyer, if he doesn't have one, and request continuation on the basis of the Soldier Sailor Relief Act.

  2. This isn't an answer but, God bless your boyfriend and all our brave soldiers!

  3. First off it does not matter who has cheated on whom that is all in the past.  The court is just worried about the welfare of the children. He more than likely will not get custody of the children unless she is an unfit parent. The court already stipulated in a prior agreement that he is allowed to see the children on the weekends therefore she is not disobeying any prior court orders. He needs to simply petion the court for vistion changes in I would do it though an emergency hearing. This way it will get heard right away and not six months from know. It is to bad that people don't try to communicate and get along for the sake of the children. The children can't help who did what to whom all they know is the love both there mom and dad. I hope everything works out for all concern.

  4. the custody battle will be put on hold unfortunately, if it has not been solved before he deploys. my husbands lawyer stated and i quote cuz i was right there "you are considered unreachable while you are in iraq" im sorry and good luck to you and your boyfriend =[

  5. I have a very strong suggestion for you...

    Mind your own business...

    It is his Battle not yours...

    Remember you are just a rebound GF from a Divorce...

    Seen this played out Hundreds of Times as a SNCO...

  6. Custody battles take time so he will have plenty of time to get back from deployment and still be no where close, harsh but real!

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