
My bf is getting married next weekend, he loves his girl,but he loves his man too. Should I tell her about us?

by  |  earlier

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Its breaking my heart, and I just don't know what to do.....

Thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. please please tell her!! tell her right now! go run now!!!

  2. Has this man said he would be with you if he was not with this girl? Have you know the whole time that she was in the picture? And I know other people of asked this too, but how would you feel if the tables were turned and this girl was coming to you?  And can you accept the fact that you could end up spilling your guts to this unsuspecting girl and not get the guy in the end? Sit down with the guy and encourage him to either make a choice between the two of you, or let him know that he has to tell this girl himself that you two are involved.  

    Also, just for the record, if this man truly loved and respected you and this girl, he would be with only one of you.  Love is not selfish, but keeping two partners is.  And if you love and respect someone, you should always have the decency to be honest.  Sorry to be so harsh, but its just my two cents.  Good luck to you!

  3. Yes, I would want to know if the person I am about to marry is into having s*x with the same gender. Heaven sake, save her life by telling. Yuck!!

  4. I think I am gonna be sick.

  5. You obviously need to step away from the relationship as he has chosen to make her his lifetime mate. The writing is on the wall. Be a man, walk away and find your true love, he obviously is using you, but his heart is going to her.

  6. It would be better coming from him.

    When she eventually does find out, how do you think she will cope with her husbands deceit?

    Give him up or fight for him but don't let this go on - the outcome will not be good!

  7. maybe you could have a 3way ;) lol

  8. Yes definitely! The marriage will just be a waste of time and money,she deserves to know!

  9. no leave it and deystory his wedding that's the sensible thing to do, you stupid stupid person, DECLARE LOVE NOW

  10. No, whatever you do will appear vindictive.  Let the two of them work it out and move on.

  11. Oh god yes please tell her before you have a dilemma after the wedding that will only hurt more in the long run ...

  12. im lost.

    are u to g*y?

    if yeah defo tell the gal str8 away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. looking at your past questions you talk about your wife and kids... you are playing us pal.... go find another playground jerk!

  14. What ?

    Sorry Im COMPLETLY lost !

  15. Well if you tell her she may not believe you or want to believe you.

    But it can't hurt to at least be honest; since her lying finance obviously can't.

    Tell her to Google Dena McGreevey


    Don't let her marry this man without her knowing something this important.  

  17. Imagine how you'd feel if you were his wife.  

  18. If he's letting her believe that she's marrying a straight guy then, yeah, she needs to be told right away. In any case, once she discovers his ruse she'll be able to have the marriage annulled as she will have married him under false pretenses. Whatever happens it's bound to be ugly, but better she should find out now than to wait until after they've already been married awhile and, trust me, if he's making time to spend with you behind his new wife's back, she will find out. No good can come of this. Tell her. Now.

  19. Yes  

  20. I think she has a right to know.  WHat if they go on to have children and then she finds out later...then how many lives will be hurt in the process.  She should know BEFORE the wedding and then if she talks to him and decides to marry him anyway then that will be her problem and time for you to bow out and let them be even if you love him dearly!  

    I would definitly tell her though and then let her deal with it......

  21. R u the other man? yea tell her hes nasty

  22. oh yes..... she has a right to know....

    otherwise she will find out after the marriage... then all the hurt and then the divorce.................

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