
My bf is still married on the paper(I am NOT a home breaker),he left his wife b4 he mat me.?

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But he doesn´t offer a marriage to me,I am afraid what if smth happenes to him his wife will get everything? Even his apartment where we live??!!




  1.   Sounds to me like your more interested in his stuff.  You are aware that when and if he finally divorces his wife is entitled to half of all the assets obtained during the marriage.  That includes the apartment where the two of you are shacking up.  My suggestion is to cut him loose until he comes back w/ a divorce decree in hand.  He's probably not going to though.  Why should he marry you?  What's the saying?  "Why buy the cow?  When you can get the milk for free."

  2. "My boyfriend is still married on paper (I am not a homewreaker). He left his wife before he met me. .......What was the question in that?

  3. My boyfriend will never get married again.. he was burned so bad in the first one.  I respect how he feels.. and we are living VERY happily together and expecting a little one.  But I would not be able to handle if he was still married and .. like you said, she would be entitled to everything. I would push him to get a divorce, not to marry you.

  4. I met my now-husband while he was separated from his then-wife.  When I found out they were still married (If it's on paper, they are still married!), I broke it off with him.  He went and got a divorce, and came to me with the decree in hand.  Whether or not you are a "home breaker" you are still seeing a married man.  He is not available to you until he gets a divorce.

  5. Ask him if he has made a will.  In any event, if anything happens to him his wife is likely to have a legitimate claim on his estate.  Why won't he get divorced?

  6. Ask him if he's thought about making a will.

    That way he can make sure his possesions go to who he wants them too and the ex-wife will get nothing.

  7. well how long are you guys together and why are you so concerned with getting his stuff? You need to make yourself self-sufficient so that if something DOES happen to him, you can be on your own regardless of what is coming to you or not.

    He hasn't offered marraige to you because he's still married. Have you talked about marriage? What does he say, maybe he never wants to get married again.

  8. Maybe she deserves to get everything. How long was she with him? Maybe he wouldn't be where he is today without her love and support. How long have YOU been with him? It is not the one who was sleeping with the deceased most recently who inherits the estate, but the ones who helped create that estate or who have a claim by blood. Girlfriends are entitled to nothing, unless he chooses to put you into his will. In any case, this is kind of an odd thing to be worried about in the first flush of new love. How much older is he than you? And why exactly are you with him?

  9. you do not have to be married to him to be put on his will.

  10. It was your responsibility to find out if he was separated or divorce. This is what happens if you date a man that is separated from his wife. I doubt he will divorce his wife anytime soon to marry you. If can't file for divorce then  you need to move on because if something happens to him his WIFE not girlfriend will get everything.

  11. First, if you get pregnant, don't home school the kids.  They'll thank you later.

    Beyond that, when you walk into a messy situation, and then you complicate it, you will end up in a messy complicated situation.  Every single time.

    No suprises here.  Move up, move on and move out,

  12. It looks like your trying to ask what happens to the stuff you collect joint money from each of you.  

    What is bought in the marriage jointly is marital property.  Anything bought outside the marriage is his/yours.  

    You must always remember:  "The most important things in life are not things."  

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