
My bf just graduated from

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He gave me a promise ring after a year and we've talked about it in depth. He wants to get a job and save a little, but that should only be a few months. I have a year, maybe a little more depending on the availability of the classes i need. Should we wait till I graduate to get married?




  1. yes

  2. yes defenatly  

  3. You should get married when you are financially capable of it.

  4. It would probably be better to do so, because of the stress that you would face if you marry right now. Also, you want to have to something to look forward too. If you graduate and marry all within one year, your not going to have much to look forward to (Well of course there is, like children, but nothing major that will make your stomach jump and get nervous).  

  5. Yes  

  6. yes. you really should wait. because the more you save-the more money-the better the wedding. :)

  7. i would suggest you graduate first then get marreid so you can focus on your marraige better. i got married while i was still in school and i would not receommend it specailly when you are so close to graduate. all the best

  8. Of course!!!

  9. I would say yes to wait till you graduate to get married so it doesn't interfere with your schooling. With him working he's probably saving some money as well. You also could get a part-time job if it won't interfere with your schooling. Once you graduate you will be ready to get married and then concentrate on your career. Then you can also spend time with him and have a great honeymoon with no interuptions of anything. It kind of falls into an order if you look at it. Good luck!

  10. Dump him so you don't get hurt.

  11. I would suggest to go ahead with your graduation dear. Because it will be a star bonus for your carrier and will you help in you future if you wanted to do something in future.

    Also it is never good to rush for marriage. Good Luck with your life.

  12.   yes wait ,you are so young ,you may feel different in a year,what's the rush . Good Luck

  13. Si

  14. Yes, you should wait. I only have one more year as well, and in my opinion I couldn't imagine trying to plan a wedding and going to school at the same time. That's too much added stress. You should definitely wait til after graduation! Good Luck!

  15. I am not really going to yes or no. Just make sure that you are really sure about the decision you make. There are many people that get married to fast and look back and regret the early decision. Marriage is a wonderful thing, but just like anything else in life, it requires money. Building a small family with no foundation can cause slight financial problems. I would recommend finishing school, just so you have some sort of back up plan and can help out financially in the relationship.

    Best of Wishes,

    -Dr. Love

  16. Don't get married if he can't afford an engagement ring, wedding rings and a wedding. Clearly both of you not ready for the wedding, even if you're ready to spend your life together. What's the hurry? You have a whole lifetime ahead of you. Finish school, get a job and continue dating each other. Good luck in love and life.

  17. I think that sounds like a great idea to wait.  Do what you need to do for yourself, first.

  18. totally up to you... i wanna marry my beautiful girl as soon as i'm able :)

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