
My bf sort of caught me off guard....?

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i am 17

my bf && i have been dating for 2 years.

yesterday, we were watching a movie, and he starting kissing me and saying that he loved me, then he gave me this 24 carot gold heart shaped locket that said "i love u" on it.

i do love him, && i knew that he loved me, but he sort of surprised me cause he never really said it.

i didnt really respond that quickly cause i was trying 2 get over the shock and happiness. and speak, but it took a while and i guess he took my silence for me not being in love with him and trying 2 think of something 2 say.

he hasnt really talked that much since then. like, he still comes over my house and we go on dates and do random things together lik normal, but he looks sort of sad and distant.

i really love him, and i dont noe how 2 tell him that i just wasnt expecting it????????????





  1. 1. write him a letter. it's the best way to communicate.  it's clear, you get to say everything you want without being interrupted, and he'll know you mean it because you took the time to write it down.

    2. do a big gesture.  buy him something, drop it in the mail.  make it something special.  

  2. you didnt do anything wrong.  he had specific expectations and HE wasnt prepared for any other reaction from you than what he imagined.

    his ego is bent but remember that you didnt do anything wrong ok?

    just tell him how wonderful but unexpected gift and confession of his 'i love you'  tell him that you want to do something special for him...make him a pie, a dinner or picnic or whatever and make the 'moment' that he hoped for a good memory instead of a panicky moment for him.  good luck   replace the bad memory with a good one.  that's the ticket!!

  3. tell him that exactly. it shocked you, caught you off guard, you didn't know it was real until something pinched you and u said it back. and apologize because it is hard for guys to put themselves out there like that b/c everyone hates rejection. so for a guy to express that in such a sweet way is hard when the other person reacts the way you did.

  4. Write him a letter and tell him how much you love him

    Be creative.

    Give him something just like he gave you.

    Be sweet and show him you love him

  5. He's probably really upset from your reaction. Just reassure him that you loved the gift and the amazing surprise then kiss him. He'll feel better.

    If he still seems distant after that, well then talk to him. Ask him if somethings been bothering him, because he seem distant.  

  6. just tell him that you really like the necklace.

  7. Tell him exactly what you just said here....that he caught you off guard cuz you did not know he loved you even though you already loved him.  And just reassure him of this in a more verbal way until he realizes you really mean it.  You could always get him something special to let him know this if it seems he does not accept your telling him.  Give him time to get over the feeling of rejection he is going through.  Constantly reassuring him will bring him around.  Be patient.  Try and learn to talk about your feelings more between each other to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

  8. Tell him you appreciate the necklace but what you really wanted was a "pearl" necklace (wink,wink)

  9. When you are out on a date or doing something say something along the lines of

    "The other night was amazing, and i love the ring, you just caught me off guard i love you"Something like that.

    Then kiss him.

    Be heartfelt and kind.

    It should work like a charm :]

  10. Be honest. Tell him he caught you by surprise and that you were so stunned your mouth wouldn't work. Tell him you love him and that you really like the locket - and wear it. Thank him for it, too.

  11. Just tell him. If u both have been in a relationship for two years and cannot talk to eachother, there are bigger problems.

    I could talk to my boyfriend, now husband, about anything. Including when I was upset with him, or when he was acting weird, I just said, "what is up with you? Stop acting weird!"

  12. if you love him back tell him!

  13. always wear the necklace he gave you, it could show him that you appreciate it, and then confess it to him! if you stay silent then he might get scared away, and you wouldnt ever ever everrr want that to happen! so just be open with him! if he loves you he should understand what youre trying to tell him!

    wish you the best of luck!

  14. tell hem you love hem to my boyfriend did the same thing to me and i did not know what to say and the next day i told hem i love hem back and we bein together for 6yrs a long time  

  15. Be upfront & honest with him about it. Hesitating & putting off talking to him is only making everything worse. It could be that the whole reason he hasn't said "I love you" sooner is that he assumed that the emotion just wasn't in the relationship yet due to a lack of communication.

    Basically, communicate or this relationship will die. Go up to him & tell him "Honey, I think you're upset b/c of what happened the other night. I wasn't hesitating b/c I don't love you, I was hesitating since it was so out of the blue & I was so shocked & happy that I couldn't say anything just yet. I love you so much that you leave me breathless & speechless." Say something along those lines & he'll be ok. Just make sure to do it ASAP. In fact, get off the computer now & talk to him. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your relationship will end.

  16. two years is a while and yes anyone in your bfs position might construe your pause for lack of love on your part but the only way that he can know that you do love him is by telling him :)

    communication is vital for any relationship.

    its not enough to just tell him.

    you should probably show him as well.

  17. give him a giftcard to mcdonalds

  18. if u really love him then let him kno.

    if u feel so distant them talk to him about it let him kno the truth and wat happened, how u feel. with talkin to him u may even fine out wats up with him.

    communication is the key and love is all about talkin and learnin to understand each other. if he loves u so much then he wants to hear wats up with the girl of his heart. just find a simple way to bring it up probably wen u both just hanging out or u both together alone.

    let ur man kno wats up wid u.

  19. be honest.

  20. Sit down and talk with him. Explain that he basically 'took your breath away' with his gift. Just tell him how you feel.

    Good Luck

  21. its not rocket sciences, if you have feelings n not ready to tell him say that!!!!! if u wanna tell the world, then go ahead girl!!

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