
My bf thinks I cheater, but I didn't! ....?

by Guest55888  |  earlier

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A few months ago I went to visit my brother in a different state, where he lives with his GF and one of their friends ( who happens to be a guy). That guy is in a relationship. But you know how you just meet someone and there are sparks? That's what happened between myself and my brothers roommate.

My current boyfriend knew that there would be another guy living where I was staying. He didn't seem to have a problem with it. Everything was great. I was at my brother's place for a month. While I was there me and the guy got a little close. We snuggled sometimes... He was definitely flirty with me. He even tried to kiss me but I didn't let him...

I know that I didn't do anything wrong, but the guy started text messaging me after I got back home and my bf read some of the messages... One was overly suggestive and now my bf thinks I cheated on him. He refuses to listen to my explanation. I can't help that this guy likes me. And I don't think I did anything wrong. What do I do? How can I get him to listen to me?




  1. Its not fair for your boyfriend despite how little it was. Apologize to him, and tell him everything.

  2. Um, yes, you did do something wrong. You did snuggle with the guy. You led the other guy on. Generally, if you have a boyfriend, a rule of thumb is to not snuggle with other guys. Sorry, but you did make a mistake. Did you tell your b/f that the two of you were cuddling, or did you just say "its nothing"?

    You have to apologize to your boyfriend for snuggling with this other guy. It seems as though you are probably being overly defensive, which is why your bf thinks you did cheat.

  3. I guess it depends on what standards you and him hold your relationship to.  How would you feel if he "snuggled" with a random girl while away from you?

    That aside, the bottom line is:  Is he willing to trust you?

    If he is, his jealousy will subside and he will believe you.

    If he doesn't, there isn't anything you can do to change that.  If he isn't going to trust you, maybe he isn't the right guy for you?

  4. im actually at the same situation back then..but sadly we broke up. Actually it would depend on your bf, try to tell her HONESTLY what happened so eventhoug it wouldn't end well, you had been totally honest to yourself and to your boyfriend..ügoodluck!ü

  5. Stop snuggling and explain to your boyfriend that you do not want to be in an exclusive relationship.

  6. Walk a mile in your BF would you feel? would you trust him? or beleive him? you made a wrong move....are you sure you really like your BF to do something like that, or do you think ...maybe theres something more interesting out there.

    you need to check yourself

    and dont expect to much from your BF

    he has feelings too!

    hes obviously hurt

    and being honest doesnt always count....when theres NO trust!!!

  7. You should not have flirted and snuggled with your brother's friend. You made him feel you are interested in him even though you have a bf already. Your bf has a right to be upset. Wouldn't you be?

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