
My bf with genitial warts...???

by  |  earlier

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Hi,im a lady age 30. living with my bf for 2 years now... last february I just find out that he has warts frm the p***s then I send him to a doctor and he gv him some cream for these warts (its HPV) I also visit to my doctor and said that i dont hv any warts frm my v**** scared coz I just find out that this desease is a cancerous for woman. untill now we are still together without using condom. My question is... since I dont hv warts... Am I still safe???




  1. No, blatantly, the answer is NO, you are not safe, because you are having unprotected s*x with someone that has HPV.  HPV is a virus, not a bacterial infection that can be killed with the use of antibiotics.  It is a virus that remains dormant (or hidden) in the body.  So, at times, it may look like your boyfriend doesn't have any warts on his p***s, but he is still a carrier of the virus that spreads warts - at ANY time.  No medication or treatment will rid the body of this virus.  

    Because you have been exposed by not wearing a condom, you need to see a doctor frequently to make sure you do not have genital warts.  It may take years before you do see them, that is why HPV is dormant - one may be exposed at one point, but a wart doesn't show up until later down the road.  Your doctor will perform a pap smear test to look at the cells of your cervix.  You are correct, some strains of this virus can lead to cervical cancer (cancer of the womb).  Because you are at high risk for HPV, you should see your health care provider yearly to get paps.  

    Forever while you are with this man - USE PROTECTION.  Condoms every time you have s*x.  AVOID sexual contact - mouth, v****a, and a**s when your boyfriend has visible warts.  

  2. its hard to say bcoz HPV has lots of strains and the ones that give people warts - well the problem is not everyone gets the warts. So you may have HPV but not show any symptoms of warts. Its not something that can be tested for either im pretty sure - you need to have regular pap smears to make sure your cells are not abnormal. The thing is that if the only strain of HPV your bf has is warts than that is low risk of getting cervical cancer in women. Its the ones that you cant see that are high risk. However, i would ask a doctor for more information. Im not saying HPV isnt serious but most people today have HPV and dont even know it, it is much more common then you probably think. Do some research on google and go to a doctor, dont stress too much.

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