
My bffs and i are thinking about going to a boarding school, i want to know are they as good as they seem?

by Guest67126  |  earlier

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like are they as good as PCA on Zoey 101?




  1. The one I went to was fun, but extremely competitive academically, so I had to work my butt off all of the time. Additionally, it was about $30,000 a year. Most aren't necessarily that expensive, but they'll be at least $10,000 or so. So, unless your parents are okay with that, you and your friends should just keep daydreaming:)

  2. Not all of them.

    The Catholic ones are probably reallllllllly strict. I'm Catholic and I would not like to go to a private Catholic school let alone live there.

    You might be able to find one that offers subjects in your areas of interest. If you're in high school this will be even easier as you will be able to pick your classes.

  3. no, they arn't great.. i guess if u go with your best friends they could be fun. the catholic ones are strict, i agree.  i wouldnt suggest going to one.

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