
My bfs Ex keeps chattin him up saying she'd sleep with him?

by  |  earlier

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.knowing we are engaged with a young baby. shes even given him her number. Any ideas with what i can do with it? Childish i know but what is she playing at!




  1. Do nothing.  Why stoop to her level?

  2. help me

  3. If i was in your shoes, i would tell my boyfriend to cut all ties with her. If he loves and respects you he will do this for you. He should tell her where to go. People like her need their ego fed which is why they chase other people's partners. Sad really.  

  4. you must be fuming!!! i know i would be. u should be able to see if she's a threat first of all to your relationship. if she is then u need to tell your boyfriend your not happy about the situation. He should understand, ask him how he'd feel if it was the other way round. if he's accepted her number innocently then maybe just ring her up and ask her to back off. Sorry chick, not much help i know. ;-p

  5. A game you are apparently falling for.  She could care less about you two being engaged.   You can't do anything about it. You have to trust him.  She's counting on you not to.

  6. Place (Do not stick it or attach it = Offence !) her Tel. No. in a Public Telephone Box & walk away ! Spot on Feisty Me ! You got the right grasp of my suggestion to you straightaway !

  7. Get him to change his number - only give it to people that dont know her - or that you can trust not to give it to her or alternatively contact the mobile phone company and tell them shes harrassing him and get them to block the number


  8. its great that you trust him and that he's being open and upfront with everything that's going on.

    how about having him change  his cell phone number and changing the house phone number as well. when he gives out the new numbers to friends and family he should tell them that the ex is not to have the numbers at all.

  9. talk to your boyfriend...just because his ex is "chatting him up" and gave him her phone number doesnt mean hes gonna do anything with it...

    trust shouldnt have to do anything..he needs to tell her hes not interested and that should b it..

  10. The fact that you're on here asking the questions shows that you don't really trust him 100%. Talk to him about it. If he was the one that told you about her trying to sleep with him than you don't really have anything to worry about. If he was thinking of doing it, he would have done it already & wouldn't have told you about it. On the other hand, if you found out through some other kind of way, he might not have wanted you to worry. Just tell him how you feel & wait for his reaction.  

  11. Probably trying to seduce your partner. Some people find seducing married people or people who are 'taken' as more of a thrill. I myself am guilty of this s**y sin.  

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