
My biggest question in life - Honestly?

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Where does everyone work? I always drive by the hundreds of houses and thousands of people and i dont know where in the world they possibly work. Most homes have 2 people working in them career wise. The number of homes verses of the number of business doesn't make any sense to me. Does the economy really employ so many people in these cities? Also, what does everyone do for work. What are their salaries?




  1. interesting.i never thought of that before.  

  2. It is sort of an interesting question to know where everyone fits like where everyone is at a given time. I live in a tiny town, to the point where you can get from one half of town to the next in 5min, give or take stop lights and such. Somehow they fit over 13,000 people inside that tiny town.

    I guess the people work at the grocery store you get groceries, the gas station you go to get gas, the highschool your kids go to and the movie theatre you go to your friday night movie at.  

  3. Your reasoning actually makes sense to me, and I have indeed thought of that before.  I just think of it as a lot of people work in cubicles, since that is one of the most readily available job types.

  4. I work from Home.  I own my own business and I work for another company on a contract basis.  I do out and make visits to clients at times, but for the most part, Im at home making phone calls to them and sending emails.  Then, updating my websites and spending time researching next moves for my personal business.  As for salaries, lots of jobs pay well, its just a matter of getting hooked up with the right people and selling your skills like a product.  

    If I go in and say I'd like to work here and I'll work hard, Im the same as everyone else.  Im a commodity and I'll get paid whatever the going rate is.

    If I go in and say, I can bring x y and z to your company and that will translate to x% higher profits, I have a value to the organization and can get paid more.  

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