
My bike got stolen !?

by Guest61764  |  earlier

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im like a very sensitive person and i care about everyone and everything , my bike got stolen now i feel like really sad because i saved my money up for that bike now its stolen .

and i have been really mad at the world today , because of all the stealers that live in it that dont care about other people !

i dont have a question i just had to say that

so what do you think ?




  1. Call the police, tell ur parents, try to earn some money if all else fails and then buy the same model of the bike again.

    sorry to hear such story.

    good luck

  2. Wait until the sun comes out.  You will never be able to see the thief in the BLACK of night.

  3. Check eBay, Craigslist or even over the next few weeks. Typically look for descriptions which sound like they don't know what they're talking about in regards to the bike.

    Might help to post on a few bike forums local to your area, post a picture (if you have one) so anybody will be able to see if they spot it on their travels

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your bike. Here are some steps on how to retrieve your bike:

    First, tell your parents. ALWAYS make sure you tell your parents EVERYTHING before you tell someone else.

    Second, contact the police. They will ask a few questions, and they will be willing to find it.

    Third, make sure you make signs. For example, for one, you could "Lost Bike. Reward If Found." Make sure you have enough for your whole town, community, etc.


    If you can't find your bike, I'll by another one for you: my treat!


  5. Sorry about your bike.  : /   People suck.  I've had things stolen before and I feel the same as you.  We work hard for what we have, keep your grubby hands off it!

  6. The real deal is this : behind every stolen bike is somebody willing to pay for it or for parts, so you have the theft, and the bargain buyer....It is  sad but you have to think what you can do with your next keep it !...Are 1000 way to secure it but no warranties!

    Personally I prefer not to let my bike outside, even if is well secured  in place.The locks are for honest   people, not for thefts...I suggest in to the future use a "U-lock" or a chain, NEVER use cable lock ! The best armored cable can be cut in less than 15 seconds with the proper hand cutter.SO...try to buy another bike and a good locking system.
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