
My bike has been stolen from denver I have the serial number what should I do?

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I had my bike stolen from my back yard its a 600 dollar mountain bike k2, and I was wondering if there is like some pawn shop data base, or if you know the link to the police website to put it in the system. that would be nice also




  1. There is no national database of bikes unless you subscribed to it and paid a fee.

    The only thing that can be done is to provide the serial number of the bike along with a complete description (they really don't care what it costs, but they will want the model and color and defining features) to all the local police departments (they don't share information) and pawn shops. If the bike comes in you have a less than 50-50 chance that you'll be called.

  2. also contact your LBS(s). $600 is probably near or under your homeowner's/renter's insurance deductible, so it isn't worth calling them..

  3. Buy another bike because its gone

  4. next time be more smart and dont put ur bike in the backyard

    be more inteligent then me and learn after the first bike.

    don't do like me, i learned my lesson after my 6th bike got stolen, all 400+$ montain/bmx bike's...  i live in a ****** up city, now my bike is hanged in my closet (theres nothing in it so i put it there lol) or you can just put it anywhere inside, if its near a door inside, lock it too, ah!

  5. Derek,

    I feel your pain.  For most of my life I lived in Atlanta, in town, and can't tell you how many bicycles I've had stolen. None of that leaving them in the yard or on the porch stuff.  I'm talking about break-ins while I was away from home -- twice on Sundays when I was at church.  Doors smashed in, that sort of thing.

    I hope the Denver police are better than the Atlanta police, who are worse than useless.  The last time I had a valuable new one stolen (actually, in that break-in 3 were stolen, 2 of them new) I checked the pawn shops myself, notified local bike shops, followed up with the police, posted on Craigslist -- all to no avail.

    As for the pawn shops, well, they're in the business of dealing with thieves, so they aren't very helpful.

    I'm sorry to say that in a city gone usually means gone.  I did have a friend who once spotted a thief riding his stolen bicycle and chased the guy down -- on foot.  No kidding, but the frame was bent and the thief got away.

    Now I live in the bland suburbs, where people aren't habitually stealing from one another.  Yes, it can be boring, but it's nice.

    Check with your insurance carrier, if you have homeowners or renters insurance.  There's probably a healthy deductible, but you might be able to recover some of your loss.

    Link to stolen bicycle registry sites below.

    I hope you get back on the bike.


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